Neuroscience and the Breath The breath is an often underestimated mysterious portal into our super power of mindful medicine and magnificent manifestation. As evolved mammals, we are wired through our vagus nerve to be able to choose to use our breath consciously as a nervous system regulator but we often forget or even ignore this [ More…]
Spring Equinox Sisterhood Circle
Spring Equinox is an auspicious time to gather in sisterhood hearing and sharing our seeds of intention, releasing the compost of yesterday, connecting with our ancestors and rooting into a rebirthing ritual. Join Shanti and Jen as we align with this sacred seasonal celebration of equal light and dark, dancing our dreams awake in sisterhood. [ More…]
3 Reasons to Step into a Sisterhood Circle
In today’s hustle and bustle to keep up with the ever increasing demands of juggling family and career, women are realizing more and more the importance of slowing down and tuning in. In the search for balance between self-care and self-awareness, women are turning again and again to sisterhood gatherings or women’s retreats to join [ More…]
Winter Park SoulSisterhood Gathering
Let it never be said that she was not wild enough. That she did not live enough passion, or love with enough abandon…. Let it never be said that she was too shy, or too timid to sing her heart songs, to bellow out loud, and off tune if need be, the sacred songs of [ More…]
SOLD OUT! Stirring the Shakti: Women’s Autumn Hot Springs Retreat
Shakti is the alive, creative, wild wisdom of the Divine Feminine. Join Shanti and Shayna this October for 3 days in beautiful Truth or Consequences, New Mexico basking in the hot spring waters, immersing in a safe, fun and sacred circle of sisterhood, for Stirring the Shakti Women’s Autumn Retreat. This retreat is now [ More…]