Ecstatic Starhouse Kirtan Join us on Saturday, September 1, 2018 for our quarterly StarHouse Kirtan with ecstatic chant, embodied meditations and more! Come join this rare opportunity, with only a few a year, to come into community with Scott & Shanti and their full band for this evening of devotion. Share your prayers into the sound [ More…]
Plugging into Your Body Current Intelligence
Each moment offers us the opportunity to plug into our current of body-brain-breath communication, also known as our Body Current intelligence. New neural pathways of well-being and embodied self-realization begin to take root as cellular imprints in our neurobiology when we are reminded of and rest into our true nature, breath by breath. With so many world and [ More…]
SOLD OUT! Mexico Retreat 2018: Yoga, Ecstatic Chant & Meditation with Scott & Shanti
Yoga, Ecstatic Chant & Meditation Retreat Embodying the Elements with Scott & Shanti Medina along with special guest, Ky Gabriel Mar de Jade Wellness Center in Chacala, Mexico April 7-14, 2018 This retreat is sold out. Join us next year March 30-April 6, 2019! More details released soon! Join Shanti and Scott Medina, along with special [ More…]
July 28-30 Attuning to the Body Current & SoMAntra Kirtan at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Attuning to the Body Current Sacred Sound, Ecstatic Chant, & Embodied Movement at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health with Shanti and Scott Medina Journey into self-discovery by attuning to your Body Current® intelligence, the present-moment pathway of innate wisdom and sensory communication between the mind, body, and spirit. Through awareness, intention, and repetition, new pathways [ More…]
Body Current Practice Videos NOW AVAILABLE
We are happy to announce we now have 4 of Shanti’s most empowering Body Current® practices on-demand videos at the Neurosculpting Institute Learning Store for only $9.99: Body Current® Heart Centering Practice, Plugging into Your Body Current® Intelligence, Body Current® Rhythmic Breathing Practice, and Body Current® Protocol for Releasing Stress and Chronic Pain. These 4 practices are simple and short (16-20 [ More…]