We are happy to announce we now have 4 of Shanti’s most empowering Body Current® practices on-demand videos at the Neurosculpting Institute Learning Store for only $9.99: Body Current® Heart Centering Practice, Plugging into Your Body Current® Intelligence, Body Current® Rhythmic Breathing Practice, and Body Current® Protocol for Releasing Stress and Chronic Pain. These 4 practices are simple and short (16-20 [ More…]
Body Current® Heart Centering Practice
Whether we are experiencing changes in the seasons or unexpected transitions in our lives, we often don’t feel in complete control of the changes in our outer environment. During these times, more than ever, we are called upon to regulate and self-direct our inner environment as we adjust to the shifts and uncertainty arising in [ More…]
Finding Your Rhythm within the Chaos: 3 Simple Steps
In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you. The above quote from Deepak Chopra is easier said than done, right? How often do we find ourselves being pushed and pulled by chaos in our lives? Whether the chaos is outside of us in the changing of the seasons or a heated [ More…]
Breathing into Transformation: A Simple 8-minute Body Current Application
The breath is something we have all taken for granted at one time or another. Most often, we simply forget about our breath and let autopilot run our respiratory system or perhaps we have even held our breath during times of stress. Modern day neuroscience research is finally catching up to what ancient wisdom has known for thousands of [ More…]
Embodied Transformation at Kripalu: August 14-19
Embodied Transformation at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health Neurosculpting through the Body Current Presented by: Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health How do a healthy brain and body imprint transformation? It responds in the moment, regulating the nervous system to release the emotional charge while priming neural pathways to integrate a healthy current of communication [ More…]