Unite & Ignite:A Soulful September Celebration Join us on September 16th to enjoy the beautiful Autumn colors for Unite & Ignite: A Community Soulful September Celebration PLUS enjoy an optional delicious Farm to Table dinner (more details below) immediately following the event. Mark your calendars now to join in community with Shanti and Scott for an afternoon soulful September celebration [ More…]
Jai Friday! Weekly Boulder Acoustic Community Chant
Jai Friday! Boulder Acoustic Community Chant Join Scott and Shanti Medina, along with musical friends, for Jai Friday! at Prajna (765 Gilpin Drive), their intimate home studio in Boulder, CO, for a weekly acoustic candlelit evening of mantra and mindfulness practices from around the globe. Jai! is an expression of victory and celebration in Sanskrit. [ More…]
SOLD OUT! Mexico Retreat 2018: Yoga, Ecstatic Chant & Meditation with Scott & Shanti
Yoga, Ecstatic Chant & Meditation Retreat Embodying the Elements with Scott & Shanti Medina along with special guest, Ky Gabriel Mar de Jade Wellness Center in Chacala, Mexico April 7-14, 2018 This retreat is sold out. Join us next year March 30-April 6, 2019! More details released soon! Join Shanti and Scott Medina, along with special [ More…]
Embodying the Elements: A Sensory Practice in Awareness
This embodied self-realization practice is my go-to practice to empower a felt-sense of calm and connection through self-stimulation of the vagus nerve. No prior experience is necessary. If you have any medical conditions like high blood pressure or if you are pregnant, use slow smooth breathing rather than the Breath of Fire practice to embody the Fire element. [ More…]
July 28-30 Attuning to the Body Current & SoMAntra Kirtan at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Attuning to the Body Current Sacred Sound, Ecstatic Chant, & Embodied Movement at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health with Shanti and Scott Medina Journey into self-discovery by attuning to your Body Current® intelligence, the present-moment pathway of innate wisdom and sensory communication between the mind, body, and spirit. Through awareness, intention, and repetition, new pathways [ More…]