Shakti is the alive, creative, wild current of divine feminine wisdom. Join Shanti Medina with Brigitte Mars, Dr. Olga Vera, BethyLovelight Music along with Lena Wenzel and Deborah Ogden on flutes, drums and percussion for a transformational sisterhood retreat at the StarHouse in the foothills of Boulder, CO – the 17th Annual Stirring the Shakti [ More…]
Autumn Sisterhood Retreat at StarHouse – Returning to our Roots
Now more than ever, our planet is hungry for the rising of the Divine Feminine. It’s time to join together in sacred sisterhood, weaving and receiving the medicine so needed for these times on Mother Earth. Let’s return to our roots in a full day Autumn Sisterhood Retreat at StarHouse – a mountain sanctuary [ More…]
SpiritDivination Readings with Shanti
We all have Spirit Guides to Meet I deeply believe and have seen again and again over the years that we are all Seers and Shamans. Every Being on our planet has deep medicine and inner wisdom to share from the plants to humans to the animal kingdom, winged ones, the elements, 7 directions, plant [ More…]
Reading Your Own Heart
We have all heard by now how powerful the energy field is around the human heart and probably have also read some science about the electric currents flowing in our hearts. But what about reading our own hearts? This simple and sacred 5- minute practice is my go-to these days in staying grounded in the [ More…]