Join Shanti and Scott Medina, along with special guest Gayan Gregory Long, for 7-nights March 30-April 6, 2019 where the jungle meets the sea at Mar de Jade retreat and wellness center for an energizing and relaxing weeklong ocean-side retreat cultivating mindfulness, restoring well-being and embodying the elements of beautiful Chacala, Mexico. This was [ More…]
Heart on Kirtan
Join Scott and Shanti along with Jon Crowder for a heart focused evening celebrating love with mantra, mischief and magic. We will turn our hearts ON for an evening of kirtan as we journey through ancient mantras and devotional love songs. Shanti will have her magic + blessed homemade emotion potion “Love Myself” essential oil [ More…]
Community Chant at Prajna with Shanti + Scott
Join Scott and Shanti Medina for an evening of ecstatic chant and meditation in our beautiful home studio Prajna! These candle-lit gatherings are all-acoustic with the voices front and center. We weave in periods of silence and embodied meditation practices to deepen our experience of the chants. This month we welcome Jon Crowder, who is [ More…]
Full Moon Fire Ceremony & Community Chant
Join Scott and Shanti Medina and special musical guest Jon Crowder for an evening in community at their home studio, Prajna, celebrating the recent Capricorn Full Moon. We’ll share in a sacred fire ceremony to cast our intentions under Mother Moon and join our hearts in ancient chants and practices from traditions around the globe. [ More…]
Winter Park SoulSisterhood Gathering
Let it never be said that she was not wild enough. That she did not live enough passion, or love with enough abandon…. Let it never be said that she was too shy, or too timid to sing her heart songs, to bellow out loud, and off tune if need be, the sacred songs of [ More…]