Spring Equinox is a powerful time to sit in a circle of sisterhood. I am inviting in 17 women to join me in an empowering and sacred salt ceremony sharing in an afternoon of sweet and deep seed planting and magic-making under the energy of Spring Equinox 2020.
The image below is from our 11th sacred sisterhood salt ceremony after our prayers, fears, tears, oils, crystals, herbs, flowers and more were added to the salt. Each sister will receive some of the sacred salt in a medicine bag after our ceremony to weave into your 2020 ceremonies.

All sisters are warmly welcome to join. No experience necessary. We will end our ceremony with chocolate and teatime.
Date: Sunday, March 22nd 2:00-5:00pm
Location: Prajna Sactuary 765 Gilpin Dr. Boulder 80303
Registration required to secure your space in the circle as space is limited to 17 sisters. Complete your registration here: SIGN ME UP!
Investment: By donation. After you complete your registration information above, please make a donation of your choice at either Paypal or Venmo. You will receive a confirmation email to confirm your space.
Specific details on what to bring and how to prepare will be emailed upon registration.
Testimonial from our last New Moon sisterhood salt ceremony:
“Shanti, all I can say is Wow. I have never felt so seen and so safe as in the circle with you and the sisters. Sliding my fingers through the salt as I shared my heart and tears was truly life changing. My intention almost immediately began to become alive in my life. I guess that’s the magic you spoke about at the beginning of the ceremony. This was my first time in a sisterhood circle with you but it won’t be my last. Thank you.”
I am looking forward to sharing our seeds of intention during the seasonal celebration of Spring Equinox.
With Love, Shanti