The 13 Holy Nights mindfulness ritual is an ancient ceremony of reflection from Rudolf Steiner and others in the Anthroposophic tradition. This time of sacred intention and reflection of the coming year invites us deep into the spirit of the season listening to the subtle stillness and knowing within.
I have personally been practicing this annual ritual as one of my favorites for over 10 years and wrote this blog several years ago to support others in experiencing this transformational sacred and ancient ceremony of silence, reverence and reflection.
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the darkest time of year offering the opportunity to remember, reclaim and recommit to our abiding light within as we pay attention to how source dances through us in planting daily seeds of intention for the coming year.
This short, simple and sacred self-guided daily ancient practice below is a ritual journey from sunset December 24 through sunset January 6th.
Ritual Items
Collect and adorn your sacred space with crystals, images of beloveds and ancestors, perhaps deities or other totems of protection and guidance. You may wish to have oracle or tarot decks with you.
You will need a candle large enough to ignite the light on each of the days. You may wish to also have sage, incense or any magic potions.
Set up a sacred space for you to step into/ bow at for each day’s ritual. Place your Holy Nights activation candle on a table or altar in your space along with any other sacred items. Have a journal or paper and a pen with you in this space.

Each of the Holy Nights hold the imprint for a corresponding month in the New Year. This is a time for slowing down to a speed of hibernation aligning with the Divine in deep listening and inspired dreaming of your intention into living form.
Sunset December 24th through sunset December 25th contains the imprint for January. Sunset December 25 through sunset December 26 contains the imprint for February. Sunset December 26 through sunset December 27 contains the imprint for March. Sunset December 27 through sunset December 28 contains the imprint for April. This pattern continues for each of the subsequent sunsets until January 5 sunset through sunset January 6, which contains the imprint for the entire next year.

Activate Ancient Practice
At or around sunset on each evening, enter your sacred space using only natural light, if possible. Deepen into the present moment as you merge with the reflection of this time period by igniting your 13 Holy Nights candle in your sacred space. Perhaps draw an oracle card or put on your favorite music in the background to set the tone for your space and this ritual with reverence.
A) Take note of the the time period this sunset is reflecting to your next year. Write this date and the month in your journal. Perhaps there is a special day this month, a birthday or anniversary, to take note of as you prepare to receive and reveal inspiration for this time to come.
Allow your senses to dance in delight through smell, sound, sight, taste and touch of the moment. Take note of what you notice perhaps writing a few words down in your journal to remember this moment and any insights arising.
B) Engage with your breath gently and sincerely growing the light within through slow smooth rhythmic breathing. Imagine, feel or sense in some way the light within illuminating as your breath gently flows through you. Create an equal count inhale to your exhale. Notice the balance you are creating through your breath. Continue for several breaths until you feel a tethering to the light within through the natural rhythm and current of your breath.
C) Continue to breathe in this pattern. Open the portals of reception through your inner ears and mind’s eye. Allow your mind’s eye to receive insights, information and inspirations as you listen deeply. Take 3 minutes or more to notice the stream of conscious awareness flowing through you as your sensory perception expands between your inner and outer environments.
D) When you feel complete, take a few moments to rhythmically tap your heart with one hand and the crown of your head with the other to complete this practice. As you tap these two areas of your body, notice and take note of what has arisen during this practice. Offer gratitude for all you have experienced.
What signs, symbols, answers and messages came through for you?
E) Take a few moments to share your reflections, insights and intentions with your journal. Write down the date of your Holy Night ceremony and the corresponding month of the following year, so you can look back and reflect on the signs, symbols, insights and messages you received for that month.

Final Night
After your final sunset practice reflecting your entire year beginning at sunset on January 5 and ending at sunset on January 6, read back on your journal entries over the past 13 Holy Nights.
Reflect upon the notes you took during these many days. Perhaps you wish to share some reflections of your notes and intentions from each evening at the beginning of each month for the following year.
Next Steps
If you’d like to take some next steps in connecting with your personal spirit guides, ancestors and angels, you can learn specific meditations, rituals and tools to connect to your loved ones, power animals and more in my blog: The Ultimate Guide to Meet Your Spirit Guides
Enjoy and keep in touch!
With Love + Light, Shanti