Welcome to our page. Thank you for visiting us here. Scroll down for a listing of our upcoming events and retreats. Keep in touch with us by joining our community ecstatic chanting list to receive our monthly wellness and events newsletters at this link: Keep in touch with Shanti & Scott
Scott and Shanti Medina are a dynamic husband-and-wife duo from Boulder, CO on a mission to uplift humanity by empowering self-realization. Their very popular sacred sound workshops with gong, didgeridoo and 7-chakra crystal bowls, ecstatic community chants, and inspiring retreats offer a sweet and deep dive into the vibration where the soma, or body, and mantra are One. They recently released their double-CD project SoMAntra™. The CD is a collection of original chants from wisdom-traditions around the globe along with embodied somatic therapy practices to self-regulate the nervous system and ignite the innate wisdom. You can download the double-CD on BandCamp here. Learn more about us at Our Story.
Enjoy a taste of a recent community StarHouse Community Chant:
Upcoming Retreats
2025 Stirring the Shakti Sisterhood Retreat
Shakti is the alive, creative, wild current of divine feminine wisdom.
Join Shanti Medina with Brigitte Mars, Dr. Olga Vera and BethyLovelight Music for a transformational sisterhood retreat at the StarHouse in the foothills of Boulder, CO – the 17th Annual Stirring the Shakti Full Day Women’s Retreat Saturday, June 28th 9am-5:00pm.
Enjoy a play filled day on sacred land connecting with your true nature in a sisterhood circle, attuning to your power and reclaiming your passion through grounding ceremonies, herbal folk medicine, ancient movement practices, embodied rituals, talking circles, shamanic journey, sound healing, dancing and more at the various sacred sites on the land and in the temple of StarHouse. No experience necessary.
The themes of this year’s retreat are POWER PASSION PLAY
Spring 2025 Awakening the Wild Medicine Woman Within
Join Shanti Medina and Brigitte Mars for a playful and empowering half-day afternoon women’s retreat at the beautiful StarHouse in Boulder, CO. Experience sacred ceremony, embodied ritual and ancient tools to awaken, acknowledge and activate the medicine woman within you.
Learn about wildcrafting local herbs, sustainable foods and easy techniques for medicine making.
Develop simple and proven Medicine Woman survival skills that can enhance your readiness for these times on our planet.
Experience ancient embodied practices to build resilience and regulate your nervous system.
Receive an initiation into a deep lineage of StarHouse plant and planetary allies and guides for your personal insights and inspirations to plant your soul seeds in this intimate medicine women’s circle.
Date: Sunday May 4, 2025 1:00-5:00 pm
Mar de Jade Wellness Resort on Chacala Beach, Mexico April 5-12, 2025
UPDATE: FILLED. Join Shanti and Scott Medina for “Playing in Paradise” April 5-12, 2025 – Seven night retreat on Chacala Beach, Mexico at the beautiful Mar de Jade Wellness Resort. Remember your playful true nature through Sound Healing, Ecstatic Chanting, Embodied Meditation, Sacred Ceremony, Dances of Universal Peace, Qigong and other ancient wellness practices. Experience the onsite world-class spa and beautiful Chacala Beach alongside the resort. Enjoy daily walks on the 1/2 mile beach and swimming in the rejuvenating sea from sunrise to sunset. Journey into a week of nourishment, delicious meals and sacred play where the jungle meets the sea at Mar de Jade.
2025 Joyful Journey Autumn Hot Springs Retreat
Save the date to join Shanti and Scott Medina, along with drummers Deborah Ogden and Jim Grant, November 13 – 16, 2025 for a transformational weekend soaking in the sacred at Joyful Journey Hot Springs in Moffat, CO. More details coming and registration opening in our April 2025 newsletter.
WAITING LIST: If you would like to join our waiting list to be the first to know when we open registration for this retreat please email Shanti at Shanti@EnergizeShanti.com
Upcoming Community Events
Join Scott and Shanti Medina, Eyal Rivlin and Gayan Gregory Long for an evening of ecstatic chanting, sound healing and embodied meditation. StarHouse Kirtans have been a 20+ year community tradition. Enjoy a magical evening at the beautiful StarHouse. All are warmly welcomed. No experience necessary.
Date + Time: Saturday April 26, 2025 7:30 – doors open 7:15pm
Pre-registration required.
Personal Sessions + Readings with Shanti
Shanti Medina is a holistic wellness coach based in Boulder, CO USA offering a diverse range of services to empower spiritual awakenings and healing journeys.
Shanti offers Spirit Medium Readings, Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong, Clinical Herbalism Wellness Consultations, global Sisterhood Circles, Yoga Therapy, Life Coaching, Shamanic Journeys, Sound Healing, Body Current® vagus nerve protocols, Sacred Ceremony, Personal Fitness Training and International Wellness Retreats.
Whether you are seeking guidance, transformation, or a deeper connection with yourself and others, each session is catered to your specific needs. Through in-person and online sessions and community gatherings, Shanti offers a safe and nurturing space for healing, growth, and self-discovery to experience your divine power, true passion and soul purpose.
Recent testimonials:
“Shanti is a beautiful being, radiating love, wisdom, compassion and insight. I feel so fortunate that we have crossed paths. As a psychologist who believes strongly in the power of psychotherapy to help heal, I will tell you that Shanti will give you another perspective on your healing and awakening journey that is unique and powerful.”- L.G
“I did not know what to expect when I was gifted a reading with Spirit Guide Medium Shanti. The reading was overwhelming in that Shanti touched my soul and the effects have continued on until today. Shanti is so intuitive and also sweet and kind, I felt like I was wrapped up in my grandmother’s arms. I’m thankful I received this reading and recommend Shanti to everyone that is open to receive her gifts of self care and wellness, with a touch of magic!” – J.O
“I’ve had a healing from Shanti and she was accurate about everything. She is a spirit guide medium and incorporates sound healing that is amazing. Shanti also offers wellness retreats at Starhouse and they are amazing as well!” – C.J.
Read more on Google Reviews HERE
Previous Retreats + Events
Join Scott and Shanti Medina for a Valentine’s Ceremony deepening into your sacred union at StarHouse in the foothills of Boulder, CO.
Enjoy a playful evening of music, mantra, movement and meditation celebrating sacred union with divine romance, ancient ritual and deepening renewal.
Important: The content of our gathering will be appropriate for established couples/partners of all orientations. This ceremony is not appropriate for one of the first few dates in a relationship. Thank you.
Limited to 25 couples.
Join Scott and Shanti Medina for an intimate evening of sound healing at the magical StarHouse for our annual winter wellness Ignite the Light ceremony and community celebration with devotional chanting, ancient movement, embodied ritual, winter wellness herbal tea allies and a sacred sound journey with the Shamanic drum, gong, crystal bowls, handpan, tuning forks, didgeridoo and more. No experience necessary.
Registration required to secure your space. Space is limited for this gathering since we will be laying down on yoga mats for the shamanic sound journey.
Time + Date: Saturday, December 7th at 7:15pm
Location: StarHouse 3476 Sunshine Canyon Dr, Boulder, CO 80302
Update: We are now SOLD OUT and have begun a waiting list at the button below. If you would like to be put on the waiting list and notified if an opening comes up, please click on the link below.
Develop Djedi skills that can enhance your readiness for emergencies. Experience ancient practices to build resilience and regulate your nervous system during times of stress. Learn about wildcrafting local herbs, sustainable foods and easy techniques for preservation, simple solar tools, skills in finding and purifying water, fire starting, natural first aid and dealing with pathogens.
Brigitte Mars and Shanti Medina, along with inspiring music and dance by LoveLight, will facilitate this intimate workshop to support us all in handling the unexpected with proven survival tools and time tested ancient remedies.
Become more prepared to live on a precarious planet for yourself, your family, community and household to withstand times of turmoil and stress.
Open to all genders. No experience Necessary
Date + Time: Sunday, Nov. 10, 2024 1:00 – 4:00pm
UPDATE: Just a handful or spaces remaining. Limited to 10 participants. Pre-registration required.
Location: Private Boulder, CO home sanctuary and Zen Garden to be shared upon registration.
Join Scott and Shanti Medina, Eyal Rivlin and Gayan Gregory Long for an evening of ecstatic healing mantra and embodied meditation. StarHouse Kirtans have been a 22+ year community tradition. Enjoy a magical evening at the beautiful StarHouse. All are warmly welcomed. No experience necessary.
Date + Time: Saturday Nov 2, 2024 7:30pm – doors open 7:15pm
Pre-registration required.
Location: StarHouse 3476 Sunshine Canyon Dr, Boulder, CO 80302
During this time of death and rebirth, we join together to remember our ancestors and loved ones who have transitioned. We will co-create an ancestor altar and experience an African Shamanic Grief Ritual to honor and connect with our loved ones who have left this Middle realm. Share in sacred songs, ancient rituals and Dances of Universal Peace to connect with our Spirit Guides through space and time.
Enjoy drumming in your ancient allies and ancestors to dance and celebrate with us in an herbal Tea Ceremony and a sacred ritual sharing offerings of flowers, personal objects and elements from nature to honor and welcome the Spirit of the Ancestors.
Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, represents a celebration of life and death. It is an annual time of honoring our ancestors.
Join Shanti Medina and Dr. Olga Vera, along with special musical accompaniment by Scott Medina and Ben Levi, for a powerful Sunday afternoon in the divine dance of death and rebirth to honor ourselves and the ancestors who have passed, inviting them as guests to our community ceremony at the beautiful StarHouse in the foothills of Boulder, CO.
Deepen your connection to the Natural World and your Spirit Guides with an Ancestor Altar.
Enjoy drumming, sacred songs and sharing stories of grief, release, renewal and celebration.
Open to all genders
Date + Time: Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024 1:00 – 4:00pm
Pre-registration required.
Location: StarHouse 3476 Sunshine Canyon Dr, Boulder, CO 80302
Autumn Women’s Qigong & Herbal Wellness Circle
Join Shanti for an Autumn Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong and Herbal Wellness sacred Sisterhood circle.
UPDATE: We are now FILLED for this circle on 11/5. Please join the waiting list at the link below if you wish.
Learn the 5 Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong sacred movements designed specifically for women’s health and healing by Master Daisy Lee.
Access your Body Current® meridians and 5-element acupressure points.
Enjoy special Autumn herbal tea remedies for women’s wellness through all stages of life. All are warmly welcome. No experience necessary.
Location: Beautiful private Boulder home and Zen Garden. This was originally scheduled to be at StarHouse.
Tuesday Nov. 5th 1:00-2:30pm.
RSVP to save your space. UPDATE: We are now FILLED. Join the waiting list at the link below if you wish.
UPDATE: We are now filled for this retreat and registration is closed.
Join Shanti Medina and Dr. Olga Vera for a transformational half-day women’s retreat to experience specific tools and practices to become your own inner shaman. Journey into the awakening of your true nature as a modern-day medicine woman. Experience a safe and empowering women’s retreat filled with ancient wisdom and sacred ceremony. Craft your own herbal folk medicine. No prior experience is necessary.
Date: Sunday September 29, 2024 1:00-4:00pm
Location: StarHouse 3476 Sunshine Canyon Dr, Boulder, CO 80302
Returning again for their annual Autumn Courting The Beloved gathering, Gayan Gregory Long and Scott Medina are weaving together an inspired afternoon of dance, chant, storytelling, teachings and meditation. We hope you can join us. All are warmly welcomed. No experience necessary.
Date: Sunday, October 27, 2024 1:30 pm-4:30pm
Location: Vali Soul Sanctuary, 6717 Valmont Rd. Boulder CO
Join Shanti this summer outside at Chautauqua park for a weekly all levels and all bodies Vinyasa Flow class on Wednesday mornings 8am. $10 drop-in.
UPDATE: The community response for these classes has been amazing. Chautauqua just asked to extend our Wednesday 8am classes through September 25th! Join us!
Meet at the Lodging Office located on the 1st floor of Academic Hall to check in and get a yoga mat, if you need before we begin. If you have a yoga mat and a block, please bring them. You may also wish to bring a filled water bottle to stay hydrated and a blanket or bolster to site on.
UPDATE: We are now sold out and have begun a waiting list. Join Scott and Shanti Medina Friday September 20th 7pm at the beautiful StarHouse for a playful sacred singles mingle.
Experience an evening social for singles to connect heart to heart in a safe and welcoming container.
Enjoy divine serendipities and magical mingling moments woven with sacred movement and ancient mantra.
No experience necessary.
UPDATE: SOLD OUT! Join Scott and Shanti Medina, Eyal Rivlin and Gayan Gregory Long for an evening of ecstatic chanting, sound healing and embodied meditation. StarHouse Kirtans are a 22 year tradition on the sacred land. Enjoy a magical evening chanting and dancing under the stars. All are warmly welcomed. No experience necessary.
Date + Time: Saturday, September 7, 2024 7:15pm – doors open 7:00pm
Tapping into a wholesome sense of being a man with Scott Medina and Eyal Rivlin.
Incorporating music, movement, and small group exercises each participant will grow their repertoire of what it means to be a man in our times.
Date + Time: Friday, June 28th 7:00-9:30pm
Location: StarHouse 3476 Sunshine Canyon Dr, Boulder, CO 80302
Join Shanti, and an amazing facilitation team of musicians, practitioners and artisans, for the 16th Annual Stirring the Shakti Sacred Sisterhood full day Retreat June 29th 9am-4:30pm on the land and in the foothills temple StarHouse. The theme for the 16th annual retreat is SACRED PLAY.
Remember your divine true nature. Reclaim your radiant health. Resource your wild wisdom.
Experience connecting in sisterhood, making your own wild crafted medicine and personal magic wand, forest bathing, basking in silence, dancing, devotional chanting, magic-making ceremonies, women’s qigong, 5-element Body Current® meridians as portals and Ayurveda marma point massage plus some very special surprises.
Testimonials from past Stirring the Shakti Sisterhood Retreats:
“Year after year I look forward to gathering with you and the women in the circle. Each year I have insights and aha moments that have changed my life. I’ve also made some amazing friends through the Stirring the Shakti gathering.”
“I learned so much about myself while gaining experience on how I can apply simple practices in my life to continue my journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
“The ceremonies we shared at Stirring the Shakti felt so familiar and the women I met now are my sisters. I will never forget this retreat. It changed my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“The Stirring the Shakti retreat transformed me in so many ways. The most profound for me was leaning into a circle of women. I made so many friends and felt so seen. Thank you Shanti.”
UPDATE: We are now SOLD OUT and have begun a waiting list at the button below.
Join Scott and Shanti Medina, Eyal Rivlin and Gayan Gregory Long for an evening of ecstatic healing mantra and embodied meditation as we come together in community to celebrate 22 years of StarHouse Kirtans. Enjoy a magical evening at the beautiful StarHouse. All are warmly welcomed. No experience necessary.
Date + Time: Saturday, May 25, 2024 7:15pm – doors open 7:00pm
Pre-registration required.
Location: StarHouse 3476 Sunshine Canyon Dr, Boulder, CO 80302
SOLD OUT – The Secret One Inside at StarHouse
UPDATE: We are now sold out and registration is closed.
Experience a magical community celebration steeped in love mischief and sacred ceremony with Gayan, Scott and Shanti. Enjoy an afternoon of Sufi Mysticism, Devotional Chanting and Sacred Movement. Cross the threshold of initiation and receive transmissions from Ancient Ceremony at the Sacred Sites. Remember your divine true nature by communing with the Secret One Inside.
No experience necessary.
We are welcoming Gayan back into the country with an afternoon journey like no other. We hope you will join us.
Sliding Scale Investment: $35-$55
Space is limited. Registration is required.
Update: We are now sold out for this event.
Join Scott and Shanti Medina in the beautiful StarHouse on Saturday, April 27th with visiting international sound healer Sherry Finzer as they weave together a magical evening of sacred sound healing to ignite the heart.
Enjoy a multi-instrumental sound journey from low flutes to crystal bowls, autoharp, gong, didgeridoo, Native American flutes and more.
Soaking in the Spring Sacred Hot Springs Retreat
UPDATE: We are SOLD OUT FOR the May, 2024 retreat at Joyful Journey. But we have Good news! We just received dates for a 2nd retreat at Joyful Journey this Autumn – Friday October 11- Monday October 14, 2024 “Soaking in the Sacred”. We hope you will join us. No experience needed.
See details below or you can go directly to the Autumn retreat details at Autumn SOAKING IN THE SACRED Oct 11-14, 2024
Join Scott and Shanti Medina with special musical guests and percussionists for a weekend wellness and sound healing retreat at the beautiful Joyful Journey Hot Springs Resort and Spa in Moffat, CO May 3 – 5, 2024.
PLUS we are offering an optional pre-retreat BONUS to join us for soaking and dinner at Joyful Journey on Thursday May 2nd and a journey together to the sacred Sand Dunes National Park on Friday morning May 3rd prior to the weekend retreat participants’ arrival.
- Enjoy ecstatic chanting, sound journeying, Dances of Universal Peace, embodied meditation, drumming, dancing, ancient ceremony and sacred ritual
- Soak in the magical hot spring waters throughout your stay, including times when it is closed to the general public and only open to our retreat participants
- Learn to craft your own folk medicine and activate your spirit guides
- Rejuvenate with a massage or wellness treatment at the world class onsite spa
- Experience walking the labyrinth and being in the magical San Luis Valley of Colorado.
Join Scott and Shanti in a magical evening on Saturday April 20th, along with beloved brilliant Eyal Rivlin on guitar and bass and the charismatic amazing percussionist Gilly Gonzalez for a deep dive into ecstatic chanting, embodied meditation and sacred sound healing. Very limited spaces remaining.
The StarHouse Kirtans evenings of ecstatic chant are a 22 year tradition. All are warmly welcomed to join.
If you wish to register and secure your tickets for our 22nd Anniversary StarHouse Kirtan on May 25th, please visit this link: 22nd Anniversary StarHouse Kirtan tickets.
UPDATE: We are now sold out for Celebrating Sacred Union on Saturday March 23rd. SAVE THE DATE to join Scott, Shanti and Gayan Gregory Long on Sunday June 2nd at StarHouse for a Celebrating Sacred Union Half-Day Couples Retreat. More details coming soon. Registration opens in April.
Join Scott and Shanti Medina, along with featured guest – divine multi-instrumentalist Sandra Wong, for an enchanting evening celebrating sacred union with your Beloved at StarHouse.
Enjoy ancient invocations and incantations to deepen into your intimate connection with yourself and your Beloved.
Receive a divine union sound journey transmission and healing through the elements with nyckelharpa, violin, didgeridoo, 7-chakra crystal bowls, autoharp, gong, ocean drum and more.
Experience an Aphrodite plant medicine couples cacao love ceremony.
Explore playful rituals, sacred ceremonies and proven ancient practices in an intimate gathering at the beautiful mountain temple outside of Boulder, CO- StarHouse.
No prior experience necessary. All couples of all orientations warmly welcomed.
There are a limited number of spaces for this event.
Date + Time: March 23, 2024 7-9pm
Location: Mile Hi Church 9077 W. Alameda Ave, Lakewood, CO 80226
UPDATE: This event is SOLD OUT. No at the door ticket sales. Wishing you a blessed journey into 2024. Join Scott and Shanti for a co-led evening of devotional chanting and ancient practices as we join together for a community New Year’s Eve 2023 celebration Sunday December 31, 2023 7:00pm-9pm.
Advance tickets highly recommended as we expect this gather to fill quickly.
Join Scott and Shanti Medina at the beautiful StarHouse on December 2, 2023 @ 7:00pm for an intimate evening of multi-instrumental sound healing, sacred ceremony, Dances of Universal Peace, devotional chanting and embodied ritual to ignite the light within as we enter the darkest time of year. All are warmly welcomed. No experience necessary. Limited spaces available for this intimate gathering.
Saturday December 2, 7:00pm at StarHouse in Boulder, CO
UPDATE: This offering is now CLOSED. Learn more about the 13 Holy Nights and enjoy a solo self-guided ritual here: Holy Nights Ancient Wisdom Practice of Reverence, Reflection and Reception
Join a powerful and life changing ancient ceremony and sacred threshold crossing into 2024 in Sisterhood as we journey through the 13 Holy Nights Dec. 24, 2023 – Jan. 6, 2024 with deep listening, reverence, wisdom, compassion, reflection and radical reception.
UPDATE: We are now SOLD OUT for our Celebrating Sacred Union Retreat and have begun a waiting list on the registration form. Please click on the button below if you would like to be placed on the waiting list. We will contact you if a space opens up.
SPECIAL HALF-DAY COUPLES RETREAT AT STARHOUSE! Join Scott and Shanti Medina with Dr. Laura Goldner PsyD. for an intimate afternoon half-day retreat filled with sacred union celebration, ancient movement, sound journeying, playful ceremony, Dances of Universal Peace, deep curiosity into Gottman Institute relationship skill building, Devotional Chanting and Vocal Toning as we Remember, Rekindle and Resource the divine art of Sacred Union with tips, tools and powerful practices to level-up your relationship.
Sunday November 12th 12:30-4:30pm. This is an intimate retreat open to a limited number of couples.
Join Scott and Shanti for a weekend retreat at historic Chautauqua Park in their hometown of Boulder, CO. Friday, Nov. 3 at 4pm to Sunday, Nov. 5 at 5pm. This is an intimate retreat with limited spaces.
Join Scott and Shanti Medina, Gayan Gregory Long and Eyal Rivlin for an evening of live music ecstatic chanting, sacred sound journeying and embodied meditation in the sanctuary of StarHouse. Join us as in celebrating this 21-year community tradition on this sacred land. All are warmly welcomed. No experience necessary.
Saturday October 21st, 7:15pm at StarHouse in Boulder, CO
Reigniting the flame from their Courting The Beloved retreats and gatherings of years ago, Gayan Gregory Long and Scott Medina return again to bring you an inspired afternoon of dance, chant, storytelling, teachings and meditation. We hope you can join us. All are warmly welcomed. No experience necessary.
Join Scott and Shanti, along with Jon Crowder on drums, for a Saturday afternoon 2:30 Chanting, Qigong + Sound Healing workshop at the 2023 AWAKE Festival.
AWAKE is a weekend-long, wellness gathering to restore, rejuvenate and reconnect. The 3rd Annual festival offers 50+ yoga/wellness talks and workshops on four stages, live music, ecstatic dance, kirtan, yoga in nature, a thriving vendor village all with delicious food and camping available on-site. Centered in the cozy mountain town of Evergreen, CO, AWAKE shines a light on holistic health, community connection, mindful-living and much more. Sign up today!
Join Scott and Shanti Medina and visiting international sound healer Sherry Finzer as they weave together a magical evening of sacred sound healing. Enjoy a multitude of instruments from low flutes to crystal bowls, auto harp, gong, didgeridoo and Native American flutes. Tickets now on sale.
Discover the magic of sisterly connection, ancient healing rituals, wholesome food, charming accommodations, and mountain beauty at historic Chautauqua Park in Boulder, CO. Even more impactful is the inner change you will experience, guided by empowering retreat curator Rohini Grace and her team of activity experts, including Scott and Shanti Medina sharing ecstatic chant and sacred ceremony. Dates:September 14-17, 2023
Update: SOLD OUT – A waiting list has begun via the registration form. Join Scott and Shanti Medina, Gayan Gregory Long and Eyal Rivlin for an evening of live music ecstatic chanting, sacred sound journeying and embodied meditation in the sanctuary of StarHouse. Join us as in celebrating this 21-year community tradition on this sacred land. All are warmly welcomed. No experience necessary. Saturday August 26th, 7:30pm at StarHouse in Boulder, CO,
Join Scott and Shanti Medina with Eyal Rivlin and Damon the Zen Drummer for a sweet and deep evening of Kirtan – devotional ecstatic chanting – along with contemplative practices and embodied meditation. Open to all. No experience necessary.
Tickets only available at the door. Investment: Offered by donation
Wednesday, August 16th 7-9pm at Mile Hi Church
9077 W. Alameda Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80226
Listen to the July 13, 2023 Mile Hi Church Podcast interfaith interview hosted by Zemirah Jazwierska with Scott and Shanti Medina about their spiritual practice and learn how Kirtan has deeply impacted their lives.
Click the button below to listen.
Join us July 12-17th for a weekend of Dances of Universal Peace, Devotional Chanting, Sacred Sound Journey, Qigong and more at Echo Basin Ranch .
We are now sold out for this event and a waiting list has begun at the link below. Join Shanti Medina and friends for a full day retreat basking in divine feminine sisterhood. Enjoy initiation into various sacred sites on the land, gong and crystal bowl sound healing, medicine making, live drumming, dancing your inner Goddess, Salt Ceremony, Divine Feminine Qigong and so much more.
We are now SOLD OUT for this event and have a very full waiting list, so the wait list is now CLOSED. Feel free to sign up for our newsletter list to be the first to know when tickets go on sale for our August 26, 2023 StarHouse Kirtan HERE.
Join Scott and Shanti Medina, along with Timothy Dobson and Corin Blanchard for a sacred Summer Solstice Celebration and New Moon Activation at StarHouse in Boulder, CO. Enjoy chanting, dancing, ceremony at the sacred sites and so much more.
UPDATE: We are now sold out for the April 1st StarHouse Kirtan and have closed the waiting list. Please SAVE THE DATE to join us on June 24th 7:30pm for our next StarHouse Kirtan.
Join in a transformational circle of sacred sisterhood October 9, 2021 10am-4pm remembering, rebirthing and reclaiming your wild wisdom. Enjoy a reflective and restorative daylong sisterhood retreat at the sacred site and land of StarHouse located in the foothills of Boulder, CO
The theme of this retreat is an initiation into the sacred cross-quarter season between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. The focus will be on Shamanic Divination and Journeying with drumming to meet our power animals, dancing and answering our soul vision and receiving insights from our spirit guides.
No experience is necessary. Registration now open at the button below.
Join us Labor Day weekend (1-2 days) on two amazing sacred land sanctuaries to Raise the High-Vibe Consciousness with Renowned Shamans & Heart Healers. Co-create NEW Earth experiences rooted in Love, Gratitude & Joy!
Join Shanti and Scott Medina, Rahelio Rodriguez – Toltec tradition Shaman, Eva Blacktail Swan – Cherokee tradition Shaman, Raymond Tarpey- modern historian in Mayan /Aztec, Ara Carroll – KAHUBA Founder + Energy Healer and more for a weekend of raising consciousness and merging ancient traditions and new world wisdom.
Enjoy one day or two immersed on a private nature sanctuary with sacred sound, movement, ceremony, animal wisdom and shamanic healing. Shanti will be offering a Saturday morning 30 minute Equestrian Qigong class with the horses and lamas on the sacred land. Scott and Shanti, plus their band, will share a Saturday late afternoon closing one hour LIVE MUSIC Devotional Chanting Ecstatic Dance.
On Sunday morning at one hour workshop – 4 Chambers of the Heart – Shamanic Journey, Divination + Sacred Sound and a closing Sunday one hour ceremony with Mantra, Meditation and Movement including Dances of Universal Peace. More Information + Ticket Link: Click HERE
We are honored to be part of the AWAKE Evergreen Festival the weekend of Oct. 1-3! Save the date to join us. More information at the Learn More link below. On Saturday, October 2, Scott and Shanti will be sharing a morning music, meditation, movement and mantra workshop with Qigong, Shamanic journeying and more at 10am-11:30 am – “The Art + Ritual of Sacred Movement and Ancient Mantra” and an evening “Ecstatic Devotional Chant ” with their full Band – Gayan Gregory Long and Eyal Rivlin 8:00-9:30pm. We hope you will join us for an amazing weekend of community, illumination and transformation.
UPDATE: Discounted early bird tickets end on August 15 (only $174 for full weekend pass!) Use this code to get another 20% off this already affordable price: COMMUNITY – SAVE 20%
Learn More
Join us on June 30, 2020 for the premier of the StarHouse Benefit Kirtan celebrating the 18th Anniversary of these devotional chanting events with a global STREAM directly from StarHouse in Boulder, CO. Find out more and register to join us at the button below.
Join us on June 20, 2020 @ 3:30-6:00pm MDT (June 21, 2020 @ 9:30am NZDT) for a global community ceremony transversing the hemispheres, uniting us as a planet and weaving a web of blessings through the threshold of Summer and Winter Solstice.
Earth Day 2020

More information and registration to join us for the 50th Anniversary celebration of Earth Day HERE
Full Moon Sacred Salt Circle
CALLING ALL SISTERS. Let’s join together in a virtual circle celebrating the power of sacred sisterhood under the energy of the Pink Full Moon.
Just as the ancient ones gathered in ceremony to celebrate the cycles of the season and phases of the moon to attune to a rhythm and tether to the truth, let’s gather together in a virtual circle 2020 style – on ZOOM- sharing our prayers and releasing our fears in a sacred salt ceremony.
We will begin with a chant to Grandmother Moon, entrain our breath as a circle, draw our Divinity Oracle card to connect to our higher wisdom and each take turns ceremonially sharing and hearing one another’s blessings weaving a web of sisterhood as we cast our spells into the lineage of the sacred salt under the light of the Full Moon.
Date: Tuesday | April 7th | 5-7 pm MST.
No experience is necessary. All are warmly welcome to join.
Pre-registration required to receive the details and private ZOOM link to join.
Investment: This virtual sisterhood circle and salt ceremony is offered free as a gift to us all and to humanity.
More information and registration HERE.
Community Wellness Gathering -ONLINE + LIVE
We are offering an ONLINE and LIVE alternative for us to gather as a refuge of wellness and connection on Sundays through the end of March during these unknown times of social distancing and cancelling of in-person community gatherings.
Join us for a 3-week Wellness series Sundays @ 3-4pm MST via ZOOM for LIVE Community UNITY Immunity wellness gatherings. All are warmly welcome. No experience necessary. All you need to do to join us is to download the FREE app from ZOOM onto a device of your choice.
During the 60 minutes, we will spend some time connecting with one another and hearing from those who wish to share before enjoying a community practice together, including immune-boosting yoga therapy and Pranic Healing templates along with ancient mantras and simple brain training meditations, tethering us to our true nature while stimulating and self-regulating our parasympathetic nervous system.
Learn more and register to receive this week’s ZOOM link HERE
Facebook LIVE
Join us on Facebook for 30 minutes of LIVE mantra and meditation!
Embodying the Elements Spring 2020 Mexico Retreat

Join Shanti + Scott as they return to Mar de Jade Wellness Resort + Retreat Center for their 3rd year sharing their transformational week retreat Embodying the Elements. This year enjoy the added bonus of a potent community ceremony through the elements celebrating Earth Day 2020.
Each day we embody a different element through MANTRA, MOVEMENT (dance and yoga), MEDITATION and MAGIC with ceremony and rituals creating a sacred and simple container for you to enjoy your Mexico retreat while optimizing your wellbeing April 18-25, 2020. They will be joined by amazing drummers, Deborah Ogden + Jim Grant.
Learn more here.
“The retreat was beyond I would say expectations but I really did not have any because I had no idea what Embodying the Elements meant. Boy do I know now. It was day upon day of life affirming practices orchestrated in a way that allowed one to go in as deep as needed to heal to shed layers, to find oneself. Mar de Jade because of the setting promoted authentic engagement with others, fostered meaningful conversations and connections. Shanti and Scott facilitated an amazing week that was so powerful, simply put one of the most amazing weeks of my life.” –
P.D – 2018 + 2019 participant
StarHouse Kirtan
Join Scott and Shanti Medina, Gayan Gregory Long and Eyal Rivlin, and a hundred voices as we chant in the round, meditate and dance through the evening at the beautiful and sacred 12-sided temple, StarHouse, in the foothills of Boulder.
All are warmly welcome. No experience necessary. All chants are easy to learn. Join us in an evening of ecstatic chant and embodied meditations from around the globe. Share your prayers and dance out your fears in community.
For the past 17 years the StarHouse has reverberating with the blessings of mantras sung in-the-round during these quarterly StarHouse Kirtans.
*Investment: Tickets are available only at the door, cash or check made out to SoMantra, sliding scale $20-$25 ($25 donation includes a complimentary SoMAntra, Enchanted or Nectar of the Strings CD.)
*StarHouse is implementing a new pricing structure to achieve sustainability, so after many, many years without raising our prices our new admission rates will need to go up a little to meet our higher expenses. We’ll keep a sliding scale in place to make it as accessible as possible.
Doors open at 7:15pm and we begin shortly after 7:30pm.
Please carpool, if possible, to protect this sacred land
Location: StarHouse
3476 Sunshine Canyon, Boulder, Colorado 80303
Candlelit Community Chant
Join Shanti and Scott Medina along with Jon Crowder on Saturday February 1st @ 7:30pm for an intimate evening weaving mantra, meditation, movement and magic as we celebrate the sacred threshold between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox – Imbolc – in community.
All are warmly welcome. No experience necessary.
Date: Saturday, February 1, 2020
Investment: Suggested donation $10-$15
Location: Prajna 765 Gilpin Dr. Boulder 80303
Time: 7:30pm/doors open 7:15pm
New Year’s Eve 2019
This event is now SOLD OUT.
Enjoy an intimate and intentional evening of sacred sound, mantra meditations, fire ceremony, community ritual and more as we cross the threshold into the new decade of 2020.
Experience the resonance of crystal and metal bowls, bells, and gongs to vibrate your being as you rest deeply in your heart center, a place of true peace, healing and inner wisdom.
Pre-registration required to secure your space.
All are warmly welcome. No experience necessary.
Investment: $35/per person
More Information and registration here.
Mantra Meditations for the New Decade
Online Retreat crossing the threshold into 2020
Join Scott and Shanti on a deep and sweet journey into the 2020 with the healing and magic of mantra meditations and an intentional online community.
How will you step into the new decade with passion, power and purpose?
Experience three 30 minute powerful and potent audio practices with body-centered mantra meditations, sacred ceremonial steps and resilience building tools for integration as you cross the threshold into 2020.
Listen and follow along to the practices at a time convenient for your schedule.
Online Retreat Dates + Themes:
- Intention:
- Sunday | December 29:
- 30 minute audio session – Setting your sacred space + Releasing 2019 + 3rd Eye mantra meditation to distill highest intention for 2020.
- Sunday | December 29:
- Invocation:
- Wednesday | January 1:
- 30 minute audio session – Sacred ceremonial steps and tools for New Year’s Day ritual + Abundance Heart chakra mantra meditation for the new decade
- Wednesday | January 1:
- Integration:
- Saturday | January 4:
- 30 minute audio session – Brain training tools for integration + Root chakra grounding mantra meditation + magical oracle reading + templates and tips to continue building pathways and patterns of wellbeing.
- Saturday | January 4:
Investment: Sliding scale donation $22-$44
- Mantra ancient sound formulas
- Guided meditations
- Tools for a personalized New Year’s Day ceremonial invocation
- Sacred sound shamanic journeying
- Potent breathing practices
- Powerful hand mudras
- Magical oracle readings
- Body-centered brain training templates to regulate your nervous system, build resilience PLUS more.
More information and registration information here.
Event image artwork: Autumn Skye Art
Seeds of Gratitude
7-day online Spiritual Retreat into the Heart of Gratitude
Explore empowering seeds of GRATITUDE through daily 30 minute downloadable audio sessions delivered to your inbox. Enjoy a spiritual week-retreat designed to fit conveniently into your personal schedule.
Experience a total of 7 practice sessions (3.5 hrs of total content).
- Devotional chants from around the globe never before released
- Heart chakra healing
- Guided meditations
- Sacred sound shamanic journeying
- Ancient mantra sound formula activations
- Chakra seed syllables
- Potent breathing practices
- Powerful hand mudras
- Magical oracle readings
- Body-centered brain training templates to regulate your nervous system PLUS more.
Join Shanti Medina + Scott Medina, along with a global community, for a ONLINE 7-day spiritual retreat during the season of gratitude. We begin on the New Moon in November rooting into our intention and building pathways of gratitude through mantra meditation and heart chakra healing.
- Restore optimal wellness with immediately applicable tools of gratitude to regulate your very own nervous system.
- Remember your true nature and return to your roots through potent and proven practices of gratitude.
- Reclaim your joy through the spiritual wisdom and passion of your heart.
- Release pathways of pain, guilt, shame and blame.
Chakra is a sanskrit word which translates to “wheel” or “disc.” We will be exploring the energy and neurobiological pathways of the Heart Chakra in this 7-day online spiritual retreat.
Cultivating Community: We believe in the healing power of community. We will begin and end our 7-day ONLINE retreat with a community video conference call to connect us all. Everyone will also have the opportunity to share in a private community group during our retreat and afterward to keep in touch. More details provided upon registration.
Dates: Tuesday, November 26 – Monday, December 2, 2019
Investment 7-day online retreat: $22 – $44 Sliding Scale.
Registration information here.
Event image artwork: Artist unknown
StarHouse Kirtan

Join Scott and Shanti Medina, Gayan Gregory Long and Eyal Rivlin, and a hundred voices as we chant in the round, meditate and dance through the evening at the beautiful and sacred 12-sided temple, StarHouse. All are warmly welcome, whether you have chanted before or not; all chants are easy to learn. Join us in an evening of ecstatic chant and embodied meditations from around the globe.
For the past 17 years the StarHouse has reverberating with the blessings of mantras sung in-the-round during these quarterly StarHouse Kirtans. Share your prayers and dance out your fears in community.
Investment: Tickets are available only at the door, cash or check made out to SoMantra, sliding scale of $15 – $20.
Doors open at 7:15pm and we begin shortly after 7:30pm.
Please carpool if possible.
Location: StarHouse
3476 Sunshine Canyon, Boulder, Colorado 80302
Embodying the Elements Community Chant
Join Scott and Shanti along with Deborah Ogden and Jim Grant on Saturday Oct. 19th for an evening of chanting from around the globe through the elements with embodied practices and community intention.
Community teatime immediately after chanting to connect with friends and ask any questions about our Embodying the Elements 2020 Mexico retreat.
These intimate evenings at our home sanctuary Prajna are sweet and deep. All are warmly welcome. No experience necessary.
By donation $8-$12 – cash or check only please.
Location: Prajna Sanctuary 765 Gilpin Dr. Boulder 80303
Doors open 7:15pm and we begin at 7:30, come as go as you can.
New Moon Chant + Fire Ceremony
Join Shanti + Scott plus special guests
Join Shanti & Scott Medina Saturday September 28th at 7:30pm with special musical guests for an intimate evening of ecstatic chant and sacred songs from traditions around the globe honoring the darkness under the energy of the New Moon peaking on Saturday- September 28 @ 12:27 PM (MDT)
All are warmly welcome. No experience necessary. All the chants and practices are easy to learn.
We will close our evening with an intention-filled magical New Moon embodied fire ceremony.
Doors open at 7:15pm, we begin at 7:30pm.
By donation $8-$12.
On Saturday Sept 7 @ 7:30pm, join Scott and Shanti Medina, Gayan Gregory Long and Eyal Rivlin, and a hundred voices as we chant in the round, meditate and dance through the evening at the beautiful and sacred 12-sided temple, StarHouse. All are warmly welcome, whether you have attended a Kirtan before or not; all chants are easy to learn. Join us in an evening of ecstatic chant and embodied meditations.
For the past 17 years the StarHouse has reverberating with the blessings of mantras sung in-the-round during these quarterly StarHouse Kirtans.
Investment: Tickets are available only at the door, cash or check made out to SoMantra, sliding scale of $15 – $20.
Doors open at 7:15pm and we begin shortly after 7:30pm.
Please carpool if possible.
Location: StarHouse
3476 Sunshine Canyon, Boulder, Colorado 80302 |
Rolling Om Kirtan with Scott + Shanti along with Jon Crowder
We are so looking forward to joining together again at our home studio Prajna for an intimate evening of unplugged community chanting Saturday August 10, 7:30pm
We have a sweet and deep setlist of practices for us to roll through the chakras beginning with the ROOT CHAKRA removing any obstacles creating delusion + illusion to remember our true identity “I AM” with 108 repetitions of “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha”.
We will journey through a resonance of embodied sacred sound to the CROWN CHAKRA with mudras, mantras and meditations including a 4 minute Rolling OMMMM bath and our latest HOT OFF THE PRESS Rolling Stones chant mash-up to the Goddess.
All are warmly welcome. No experience necessary. All the chants and practices are easy to learn.
Doors open at 7:15pm, we begin at 7:30pm. By donation $8-$12.
Location: Prajna Sanctuary, 765 Gilpin Dr. Boulder 80303
Intimate House Kirtan at Prajna
Celebrate the sweet summertime vibes with Scott and Shanti + friends at their home sanctuary, Prajna, for an intimate evening of chanting and dancing. We will clear the patio area for your dancing delight. All are warmly welcome. No experience necessary.
Date: Saturday July 27th
Doors open at 7:15, we begin at 7:30pm
Location: Prajna Sanctuary 765 Gilpin Dr. Boulder 80303
By Donation: $8-$12
Celebrate with Scott and Shanti Medina, Gayan Gregory Long and Eyal Rivlin, and a hundred voices as we chant, meditate and dance through the evening . All are warmly welcome, whether you have attended a Kirtan before or not; all chants are easy to learn. Join us in an evening of ecstatic chant and embodied meditations.
For the past 17 years the StarHouse has reverberating with the blessings of mantras sung in-the-round during these quarterly StarHouse Kirtans.
Investment: Tickets are available only at the door, cash or check made out to SoMantra, sliding scale of $15 – $20.
Doors open at 7:15pm and we begin shortly after 7:30pm.
Please carpool if possible.
Full Moon Community Kirtan at Prajna:
Join Scott and Shanti for an uplifting and inspiring gathering at their home studio for an evening of mantra, meditation and magic. These intimate candlelit evenings are a wonderful way to join in a community of love as we release our fears and share prayers. Deborah Ogden will be joining in on drums + percussion.
All are warmly welcome to join. No experience necessary.
Location: Prajna, 765 Gilpin Drive, Boulder 80303. Plenty of street parking available.
Date: Saturday | May 18
Time: Doors open at 7:15pm and we begin at 7:30pm.
Donation: suggested $8 – $12, as you are able. Cash or check made out to SoMAntra at the door.
Shakti is the alive, creative, wild wisdom of the Divine Feminine.
Join a transformational circle of sisterhood Stirring the Shakti and standing in your truth for our 11th annual gathering on Saturday, May 25, 2019. Enjoy a daylong women’s retreat at the sacred site and land of StarHouse located in the foothills of Boulder, CO.
SOLD OUT! We have reached our capacity of 55 sisters. Please join us for our 2020 retreat at StarHouse on May 30, 2020.
More information + registration: Stirring the Shakti Memorial Day Weekend
Join Shanti and Scott Medina, along with special guest Gayan Gregory Long, for 7-nights March 30-April 6, 2019 where the jungle meets the sea at Mar de Jade retreat and wellness center for an energizing and relaxing weeklong ocean-side retreat cultivating mindfulness, restoring well-being and embodying the elements of beautiful Chacala, Mexico.
Register by February 28 and pay only $425 for your week retreat investment. Read testimonials and find out more information here: Embodying the Elements Mexico Retreat 2019: Yoga, Chant, Movement, Meditation & Magic
Join Scott + Shanti on Saturday April 27 at 7:30pm along with their amazing band for an evening of ecstatic chant woven with embodied practices and mindful meditations from traditions around the globe. We join together in the heart of StarHouse chanting in the round within the womb of this beautiful and sacred mountain temple.
For 17 years, these quarterly StarHouse Kirtans have been building inspired community as we gather to share our prayers and dance out our fears. All are warmly welcome to join the magic. No experience necessary.
Investment: Sliding scale $15-$20 cash or check made out to SoMAntra, LLC at the door only.
Location: StarHouse 3476 Sunshine Canyon Dr, Boulder, Colorado 80302
Directions to the StarHouse: The StarHouse is located 3.5 miles west of Boulder up Sunshine Canyon. From 4th Street and Mapleton Avenue in Boulder, drive west on Mapleton Avenue (which turns into “Sunshine Canyon”) about 3.5 miles. Turn right at the sign that reads “3476.” You’ll drive up the driveway. Parking is clearly marked at the *top* of the hill. After parking, walk down the other side of the hill, towards the StarHouse, which you’ll soon see through the trees. Please wear shoes appropriate for a short walk through a forest (you’ll be taking them off once inside the StarHouse).
Past Events:
Heart On Kirtan at Prajna
Join Scott and Shanti along with Jon Crowder for a heart focused evening celebrating love with mantra, mischief and magic. We will turn our hearts ON for an evening of kirtan as we journey through ancient mantras and devotional love songs.
Shanti will have her magic + blessed homemade emotion potion “Love Myself” essential oil spray at the altar to cast our spells.
Scott will ignite the fire pit ending our evening with a sacred fire ritual releasing past heart breaking patterns and restoring the present felt-sense of self-love. All are warmly welcome to join us. No experience necessary.
Location: Prajna, 765 Gilpin Drive, Boulder 80303. Plenty of street parking available.
Date: Saturday | February 16
Time: Doors open at 7:15pm and we begin at 7:30pm.
Donation: suggested $8 – $12, as you are able.
StarHouse Celebration of Gratitude
Sunday November 18th, 6pm-9:30pm
- Visions of the Past, Present, and Future with StarHouse Founders –
- Kirtan with Scott & Shanti Medina
- Dances of Universal Peace with Timothy Dobson
- Silent and Live Auction –
Refreshments served – Donation: $25. Advance tickets highly recommended to secure your seat.
During this Time of Gratitude, we come together to give thanks for our blessed lives, as well as the collective and personal challenges that make us stronger!
Together, we embrace this season with full, courageous hearts, and the vision of bringing our gifts to the world; while nourishing our families and ourselves!
Join this highly spirited Fundraiser, and play your part supporting The StarHouse, both physically and energetically!
** Please purchase tickets ahead of time as space is limited ~
Here are three areas of essential investment – we welcome your contribution to what most enlivens YOU!
ILLUMINATION of this sacred place and all it offers via:
– Improved Lighting for The StarHouse, Retreat Cabin & Pathways
– Website Redesign
PHYSICAL EMBRACE – provide building care and maintenance to include:
– Window Replacements
– Floor Refinishing
– Entryway Staining & Painting
DREAMS & VISIONS – empower the future through:
– Sacred Arts Practitioner Program Scholarship Fund
– Seeding the Dream of a Fellowship Hall (next to the Water House)
Silent Auction Items Include: Healing Sessions, Retreats, Sacred Ceremonies, Solar Cross Reading
Advance tickets highly recommended. Secure your ticket to join us by making your donation for this gratitude gathering at this link: StarHouse Gratitude Gathering
Evening of Gratitude Community Chant
Join Scott and Shanti, along with Gayan Gregory Long, on Friday, November 30th for an evening of gratitude at their home studio, Prajna! We will share in some sweet mantra and deep embodied meditation followed by community tea time. For those of you considering joining us in Mexico March 30-April 6, 2019, we will set aside some time to share information and answer any questions during tea time about our upcoming Spring Mexico retreat at Mar de Jade.
All are warmly welcome. No experience necessary.
Friday, November 3oth, doors 7:15pm and we begin at 7:30pm
Investment $8-$12 at the door only cash or check made out to SoMAntra, LLC
More Information: Evening of Gratitude Community Chant
StarHouse Winter Solstice Celebration
Save the date! Saturday December 22nd 7:30pm at StarHouse with Candice Knight, Scott & Shanti Medina and more! Details coming soon!
Special Birthday StarHouse Kirtan
Join us for a very special 50th Birthday celebration for Scott on Saturday, December 29th 7:30pm. This is a very special evening offered as our gift to YOU.
Save the date! Saturday December 29th 7:30pm at StarHouse. RSVP link to secure your seat coming in our November newsletter. If you are not receiving our monthly newsletters yet, please scroll down to the bottom of our homepage to sign up to keep in touch here: Scott and Shanti newsletter
For more information click here: StarHouse Kirtan 50th Birthday Celebration
Sweet Summertime Community Kirtan
Join Scott and Shanti Medina along with Jon Crowder for an inspiring evening of devotion through mantra, meditation, mudras and more. All are warmly welcome. No experience necessary.
Location: Prajna, 765 Gilpin Dr. Boulder, CO 80303
Date: Friday, August 10, 2018. Doors open at 7:15, 7:30 start
Investment: $8-$12 sliding scale donation
StarHouse Kirtan Ecstatic Chant
Join us on Saturday, September 1, 2018 for our quarterly StarHouse Kirtan with ecstatic chant, embodied meditations and more! Come join this rare opportunity, with only a few a year, to come into community with Scott & Shanti and their full band for this evening of devotion. Share your prayers into the sound formulas and dance out your fears to the mantric grooves. All are welcome. No experience necessary. Tickets will be available only at the door.
Investment: $15. Doors open at 7:15pm. Cash or check only.
Directions to the StarHouse: The StarHouse is located 3.5 miles west of Boulder up Sunshine Canyon. From 4th Street and Mapleton Avenue in Boulder, drive west on Mapleton Avenue (which turns into “Sunshine Canyon”) about 3.5 miles. Turn right at the sign that reads “3476.” You’ll drive up the driveway. Parking is clearly marked at the *top* of the hill. After parking, walk down the other side of the hill, towards the StarHouse, which you’ll soon see through the trees. Please wear shoes appropriate for a short walk through a forest (you’ll be taking them off once inside the StarHouse), and bring a flashlight to help.
More Information: StarHouse Ecstatic Chant
Fiske Planetarium
Cosmic Chant & Sound Journey
Join Fiske Planetarium, Mira Devi and Scott & Shanti Medina for an unforgettable evening of multi-sensory transformation and illumination. This unique participatory evening will feature live music soundscapes, ancient mantra chanting and embodied meditations from traditions around the globe.
Wednesday October 24, 2018 7:30pm
Location: Fiske Planetarium
Featuring multi-instrumentalist Noah Rouse Wilson IV and world percussionist Gayan Gregory Long, the evening will weave an audio visual tapestry of healing for ourselves and humanity with simple body-centered practices and visual meditations to relax and restore the nervous system.
More Information and to register: Cosmic Chant and Sound Journey
StarHouse 16th Anniversary Ecstatic Kirtan
Join us on Saturday, June 2, 2018 for our 16th Anniversary celebration of StarHouse Kirtans with ecstatic chant, embodied meditations and more! Come join in community with Scott & Shanti and their full band for this celebratory evening. All are welcome. No experience necessary. Tickets will be available only at the door.
Investment: $15. Doors open at 7:15pm. Cash or check only.
Directions to the StarHouse: The StarHouse is located 3.5 miles west of Boulder up Sunshine Canyon. From 4th Street and Mapleton Avenue in Boulder, drive west on Mapleton Avenue (which turns into “Sunshine Canyon”) about 3.5 miles. Turn right at the sign that reads “3476.” You’ll drive up the driveway. Parking is clearly marked at the *top* of the hill. After parking, walk down the other side of the hill, towards the StarHouse, which you’ll soon see through the trees. Please wear shoes appropriate for a short walk through a forest (you’ll be taking them off once inside the StarHouse), and bring a flashlight to help.
More Information: StarHouse Ecstatic Chant
A StarHouse Solar Celebration
Riding the Wave of Summer Solstice
Join Scott, Shanti and Gayan for a magical community Summer Solstice celebration at the beautiful and sacred StarHouse nestled in the foothills of Boulder, CO. Enjoy a deep and sweet evening of community ritual and embodied practices from around the globe. Join in an evening communing in celebration and intention with chanting, dancing, and a community jam session as we ride the wave of Summer Solstice. All are warmly welcome.
- Ignite your Solstice intention
- Reclaim your wild wisdom
- Attune to your true nature
- Release your fears
- Dance your prayers
Investment: At the door sales only, cash or check only, $15-$20 sliding scale donation.
Logistics: Doors open 7:15pm. We begin at 7:30pm
Bring with you: If you wish, bring a drum or percussion instrument for the community jam. Also, bring a closed water bottle.
More Information including directions to the StarHouse at this link: A StarHouse Solar Celebration
Join Scott and Shanti Medina and special musical guest Jon Crowder for an evening in community at their home studio, Prajna, celebrating the recent Capricorn Full Moon. We’ll share in a sacred fire ceremony to cast our intentions under Mother Moon and join our hearts in ancient chants and practices from traditions around the globe.
All are warmly welcome. No experience necessary.
These candlelit evenings are super sweet and deep as we share our prayers and dance out our fears with mantra, meditation, mindfulness and more.
Location: Prajna, 765 Gilpin Dr. Boulder, CO 80303
Doors open 7:15pm, 7:30 start
Followed by a community tea time and treats!
Donation: $8-$12
Jai Friday! Boulder Acoustic Community Chant
NO FRIDAY CHANT EVENT ON THESE DATES: May 18, 2018 through June 29, 2018. We will recommence in July.
Join Scott and Shanti Medina, along with musical friends, for Jai Friday! at Prajna (765 Gilpin Drive), their intimate home studio in Boulder, CO, for a weekly acoustic candlelit evening of mantra and mindfulness practices from around the globe.
Jai! is an expression of victory and celebration in Sanskrit. Join us in community celebrating the end of the workweek and our victorious gratitude. Let’s share in a sweet and deep candelit evening basking in ancient practices that ignite the innate wisdom with a felt-sense of love, peace and gratitude.
The modern madness of today leaves us no choice but to rely on the wisdom of these ancient practices, from all traditions, to tether us to the HERE and NOW revealing our abiding true nature through embodied self-realization. Returning again and again to our practice, we build pathways of resiliency within ourselves and bridges of peace and calm within community.
All are welcome, no experience necessary. Come any time you can.
EVERY Friday. Doors open 7:15pm, Begins promptly at 7:30pm
Investment: $5 – $12 (sliding scale donation) at the door only
Location: Prajna, 765 Gilpin Dr. Boulder, CO 80303
Plenty of street parking. Please walk up the garden path to the left as you approach the house and walk through the gate to the studio entrance in the rear.
Unite & Ignite:A Soulful September Celebration
Join us on September 16th to enjoy the beautiful Autumn colors for Unite & Ignite: A Community Soulful September Celebration PLUS enjoy an optional delicious Farm to Table dinner (more details below) immediately following the event.
Mark your calendars now to join in community with Shanti, Scott and Gayan for an afternoon soulful September celebration outside Winter Park, CO in beautiful Fraser at the Purple Yurt on the private Crazy Dog Ranch.
Dive deep into embodied self-realization through uniting breath, body and brain with mantric grooves, somatic meditations and sacred sound to ignite your innate wisdom.
All are welcome. No experience necessary. Please carpool. Thank you!
* Yoga for all (bring your yoga mat if you have one)
* SoMAntra® ecstatic chanting
* Peace Dances from traditions around the globe
* Body Current principles and practices to ignite the innate wisdom
* Live music sacred soundscapes and shamanic journeying
***Optional Farm to Table Community Dinner on the land ***
– Immediately following the afteroon workshop at 6pm-
Enjoy a community celebration of nutritious farm fresh food and delicious *drinks hosted by Gene Roybal, along with culinary expert Alaskan Bob, and Sarah, local bread baker.
Tickets and More Information: Unite & Ignite September Soulful Celebration
Starhouse Equinox Kirtan
Join us on Saturday, September 23, 2017 to celebrate Fall Equinox with ecstatic chant bliss up at the StarHouse! Come join Scott & Shanti and full band for this celebratory evening. Tickets will be available only at the door for $15, doors open at 7:15pm. Cash or check only.
Directions to the StarHouse: The StarHouse is located 3.5 miles west of Boulder up Sunshine Canyon. From 4th Street and Mapleton Avenue in Boulder, drive west on Mapleton Avenue (which turns into “Sunshine Canyon”) about 3.5 miles. Turn right at the sign that reads “3476.” You’ll drive up the driveway. Parking is clearly marked at the *top* of the hill. After parking, walk down the other side of the hill, towards the StarHouse, which you’ll soon see through the trees. Please wear shoes appropriate for a short walk through a forest (you’ll be taking them off once inside the StarHouse), and bring a flashlight to help.
Arise Music Festival
Join Scott and Shanti along with their band at the Arise Music Festival for SoMAntra Ecstatic Chant.
Date: August 6, 2017 at the Yoga Tent 6:30-8:00pm for the Closing Ceremony
Tickets: Arise Music Festival
Attuning to the Body Current
Sacred Sound, Ecstatic Chant & Embodied Movement
at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
with Shanti and Scott Medina
Journey into self-discovery by attuning to your Body Current® intelligence, the present-moment pathway of innate wisdom and sensory communication between the mind, body, and spirit. Through awareness, intention, and repetition, new pathways form in the brain/body neural map to mitigate stress, anxiety, and even chronic pain.
Enjoy embodied and experiential, live-music sessions that explore somatic principles as you:
- Learn simple and highly effective body-centered practices and yoga therapy techniques designed to imprint new neural pathways
- Experience shifting and uplifting your neurobiology through self-realization, breathwork, sacred soundscapes, sound formulas, and live SoMAntra chanting
- Ignite and illuminate your true nature, shedding that which is ready to be released and transformed through powerful neurosculpting brain-training meditations.
Dates: July 28-30, 2017 weekend retreat

15th Anniversary Starhouse Kirtan
Join us Saturday, June 24, 2017 to celebrate 15 years of ecstatic chant bliss up at the StarHouse! Come join Scott & Shanti and full band for this celebratory evening. We are so grateful for the magic that has transpired over the past 15 years during these evenings, each one is special in its own unique way. This will be our only StarHouse Kirtan of the summer, not to be missed!
Tickets will be available only at the door for $15, doors open at 7:15pm. Cash or check only.
Directions to the StarHouse: The StarHouse is located 3.5 miles west of Boulder up Sunshine Canyon. From 4th Street and Mapleton Avenue in Boulder, drive west on Mapleton Avenue (which turns into “Sunshine Canyon”) about 3.5 miles. Turn right at the sign that reads “3476.” You’ll drive up the driveway. Parking is clearly marked at the *top* of the hill. After parking, walk down the other side of the hill, towards the StarHouse, which you’ll soon see through the trees. Please wear shoes appropriate for a short walk through a forest (you’ll be taking them off once inside the StarHouse), and bring a flashlight to help.
2017 Stirring the Shakti Women’s Weekend Immersion at Shambhala Mountain Center
Dates: Friday May 5-Sunday May 7, 2017 SOLD OUT
Enjoy a women’s weekend basking on sacred land stirring the Shakti with Body Current practices, ecstatic chanting, Neurosculpting brain training meditations, Shamanic journeying through Sacred Stage, dancing and more with Shanti Medina, Lisa Wimberger and Teresita Nomadica. All are welcome. No experience necessary. Our 2017 retreat is SOLD OUT, please contact Shanti if you are interested in joining us next year. Thank you!
One Step Closer to YOUnity
This Earth Day, join us as we celebrate the healing power of
movement, music, and mountains.
Location: Winter Park Mountain Lodge SOLD OUT
Date: April 22, 2017 8-10am
One Step Closer to YOUnity is a philanthropic movement workshop inspired by Michael Franti and Spearhead’s visit to Winter Park. We are fundraising for @doitforthelove and @nscd, two organizations striving to empower the human spirit through music and recreation.
Experience ecstatic SoMAntra® chanting and sacred sound incantation along with Body Current® practices led by Shanti and Scott Medina, a dynamic duo from Boulder. They will lead us through an exploration of chakras accompanied by a medley of local yoga, Pilates , and Shamanic healing practitioners.
Tickets available at eventbrite.com
Investment: Minimum of $65 donation. SOLD OUT!
Earth Day Starhouse Kirtan
Date: Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 7:30pm
Location: Starhouse, Boulder CO
More Information and Tickets: Earth Day Starhouse Kirtan
Soaking in the Sacred with Scott & Shanti
at Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
Join Scott and Shanti Medina on April 1, 2017 in beautiful Truth or Consequences, NM at the Mothership Yoga Lounge for a day (or two) soaking in the elixir of the healing hot springs before and after basking in the sacred temple of your soul. Enjoy an afternoon workshop, soak in the springs and join the evening kirtan. All are welcome.
More Information and Tickets: Soaking in the Sacred retreat
Radiance Revealed with Scott & Shanti Medina
We invite you to join us Saturday, March 11, 2017 for a deep and intimate afternoon gathering at our home studio. Journey with us into revealing the radiance in the Divine union and Dance of Shiva and Shakti, body and breath.
*Imprint new pathways through Body Current® somatic meditations and SoMAntra® ecstatic chants PLUS experience a transformational Neurosculpting® brain training meditation to attune and entrain the heart and mind to your intention.
*Experience shifting and uplifting your neurobiology through self-realization, sacred soundscapes, and live music
*Ignite and illuminate your abiding, radiant true nature shedding that which is ready to be released and transformed.
Open to all levels of practice and experience.
Date: Saturday, December 3rd 1:00-4:00pm
Location: Prajna, 765 Gilpin Dr. Boulder, CO 80303
Investment: $25 (check made out to SoMAntra or cash only)
More Information and Ticket to reserve your space visit: Radiance Revealed
Tickets: Bhavapalooza Presents: Kirtan in the Round with Scott and Shanti Medina
Awakening the Body Current and Kirtan at True Nature Healing Arts
Join Scott and Shanti Medina on Saturday, January 21, 2017 for Awakening the Body Current:Priming Neural Pathways workshop followed by an evening ecstatic chant at the beautiful True Nature Healing Arts sanctuary in Carbondale, CO. Enjoy an experiential live music journey exploring somatics, yoga therapy, Neurosculpting brain training meditation and sacred sound based in a Vinyasa Flow format to awaken and ignite the current of communication and sensation cultivated and activated by priming the neural pathways. The class will include pranayam, mudra, mantra and asana for all levels of practice. The Body Current® is an empowering system of simple and highly effective body-centered entrainment practices, rooted in the latest neuroscience research, designed to empower self-realization and inspire embodied living with each breath. Followed by an optional evening kirtan.
Date: Saturday, January 21, 2017
Time: 3:00-5:30pm workshop, 7-9pm kirtan
Location: True Nature Healing Arts, 100 N. 3rd Street, Carbondale, CO
Investment: $30 workshop/$40 includes evening kirtan/$15 kirtan only
More Information and tickets: Awakening the Body Current and Kirtan at True Nature Healing Arts
ૐ Bhavapalooza ૐ and Scott & Shanti Medina Present:
Rocky Mountain Kirtan Summit 2016
October 14th and 15th in Denver, CO at the Highlands Event Center
Join us for our 9th year gathering together to share in a weekend of devotional chanting with over 20 Front Range leaders of chant.
Plan on joining us for a weekend full of chanting including two amazing workshops.
More Information and Tickets: 9th Kirtan Summit
Description: Two full eveningsl of Kirtan goodness featuring local Colorado musicians. Enjoy two wonderful all levels workshops on Saturday afternoon: Neurosculupting® Yoga and Drumming Inside the Mantra.
Annually we keep this event very affordable charging only $15 to cover our hard costs. We plan to have a donation bowl for cash contributions. Participants can choose to donate any amount which will go to the leaders who are generously donating their time and talents to this community gathering.
Leader Line Up:
Friday October 14:
Tom Fuhrmann
Mira Devi Music
Shaela Noella Roselena
Mike Cohen Kirtan
Katie Wise & Bhakti Explosion
Kalyani Music and Healing (Colleen Buckman)
Jaya Hopkins with Radha-Krishna Temple Denver
Tony M. Davis, Ananda Glick and Oneness Kirtan
Alandi Ashram & Ayurvedic School
Saturday October 15:
Bhakti Shakti Kirtan Chanting and Meditation Group with Kalyani, Gayan and Ken Bernstein
Scott & Shanti Medina/SoMAntra®
Prem Sangha Band
Leela Kirtan
Kirtan with Vamadeva
Kate Spear
Amanda Botur
Bhagavan Kirtan
Jon Crowder
Investment for Evening Chanting 6-11pm:
Only $25 for both evenings advance tickets/$30 at the door and $15 for one evening advance tickets/$20 at the door. At the door tickets first come first serve, if there is availability.
Tickets: 9th Kirtan Summit
Saturday Afternoon Immersion Experiences:
Neurosculpting® Yoga with Michelle Lee Weldon
Live Music by Scott & Shanti Medina
Saturday, October 15, 2016 1:30-3pm
Investment: $15 advance/$20 at the door
Tickets: 9th Kirtan Summit
Description: Enjoy an all levels yoga class infused with the principles and practice of Neurosculpting brain training meditation. Neurosculpting is a 5-step entrainment process empirically shown to rewrite limiting beliefs, heal trauma and imprint well-being. Scott and Shanti will offer live music. Open to all levels of experience. Bring a yoga mat and a cushion. To find out more about Neurosculpting Yoga visit Neurosculpting Institute or http://www.neurosculptinginstitute.com/
Michelle bio: Michelle Lee Weldon, LPC, E-RYT, CNSF delights in blending her professional training in Psychotherapy, Neuropsychology, Yoga and Meditation with her passion for music, movement and the principals of Chinese medicine to guide her clients on a journey of Self Actualization and Growth both on and off the yoga mat. She is the Director of Neurosculpting® Yoga and an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher Trainer, a Licensed Body Centered Psychotherapist, and a Meditation Instructor based in Denver, Colorado. http://vibrantmedicine.org/
Drumming Inside the Mantra with Gayan (aka Padma Thunder)
Saturday, October 15, 2016 3:15 – 4:45pm
Investment: $15 advance/$20 at the door
Tickets: https://tickets.brightstarevents.com/event/rocky-mountain-kirtan-summit
Description: Drumming Inside the Mantra is an all-levels drum class for lovers of chant. Together we will develop skills and directly experience the magic of drumming in community. The learning atmosphere will be encouraging, deep, and delightful. Bring a djembe, ashiko, doumbek, or other cone-shaped drum or contact Gayan at gayanosphere@gmail.com by Tuesday, 11-October to borrow a drum.
Bio: Gayan Gregory Long (a.k.a. Padma Thunder) is an internationally acclaimed drummer, drum teacher, spiritual mentor, and retreat leader. He has taught thousands of students worldwide: from India to Russia, South America to Thailand, and throughout North America. He has released two albums: Padma Thunder and When Two or More are Gathered; and is a first call Kirtan drummer in Colorado. Gayan’s life is dedicated to awakening human potential through music, devotional practices, pith teachings, and community celebration.
More Information:
Tickets: https://tickets.brightstarevents.com/event/rocky-mountain-kirtan-summit
Join us at the Denver Yoga Festival!
Friday, August 5 7:30pm for a SoMAntra® ecstatic kirtan. More information: Denver Yoga Festival
Starhouse Summer Kirtan
Join us Saturday, August 27, 2016 for an evening of ecstatic chant and deep mantric meditation in the beautiful temple of the StarHouse, just 10 minutes west of Boulder in the foothills. Led by Scott & Shanti Medina with amazing musical support from Eyal Rivlin, Robert Rand and Gayan Gregory Long, these nights have been legendary over the past 14 years. Open to everyone. No experience necessary. Come to dance, connect to sacred land and experience the feeling of being part of a community mandala of sacred sound as we chant in the round.
Investment: $15 cash or check at the door
Location: Starhouse, 3472 Sunshine Canyon Boulder, CO 80302
Doors open at 7:10, with a 7:30pm start time
Directions to the StarHouse: The StarHouse is located 3.5 miles west of Boulder up Sunshine Canyon. From 4th Street and Mapleton Avenue in Boulder, drive west on Mapleton Avenue (which turns into “Sunshine Canyon”) about 3.5 miles. Turn right at the sign that reads “3476.” You’ll drive up the driveway. Parking is clearly marked at the *top* of the hill. After parking, walk down the other side of the hill, towards the StarHouse, which you’ll soon see through the trees. Please wear shoes appropriate for a short walk through a forest (you’ll be taking them off once inside the StarHouse), and bring a flashlight to help.
More Information: Summer Starhouse Kirtan
14th Anniversary Starhouse Kirtan
Date: Saturday, June 25, 2017 at 7:30pm
Join us for an evening of ecstatic chant and deep mantric meditation in the beautiful temple of the StarHouse, just 10 minutes west of Boulder in the foothills.
Led by Scott & Shanti Medina with amazing musical support from Eyal Rivlin, Robert Rand and Gayan Gregory Long, these nights have been legendary over the past 14 years. Open to everyone. No experience necessary. Come to dance, connect to sacred land and experience the feeling of being part of a community mandala of sacred sound as we chant in the round.
More Information: 14th Anniversary Starhouse Kirtan
Encore Starhouse Kirtan
Date: Friday, April 8, 2016
Location: Starhouse, Boulder CO
Join us for an evening of ecstatic chant and deep mantric meditation in the beautiful temple of the StarHouse, just 10 minutes west of Boulder in the foothills. Led by Scott & Shanti Medina with amazing musical support from Eyal Rivlin, Robert Rand and Gayan Gregory Long, these nights have been legendary over the past 14 years. Open to everyone. No experience necessary. Come to dance, connect to sacred land and experience the feeling of being part of a community mandala of sacred sound as we chant in the round.
More Information and Tickets: Encore Starhouse Kirtan
An Evening of Prajna: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Mind
A Seasonal Offering with Scott & Shanti Medina and Friends
Spring Offering: Saturday, May 21, 2016, 7-10pm
An Experiential Journey into the Heart of Rumi with special guest Pouria Montazeri
Location: Prajna, 765 Gilpin Dr. Boulder, CO 80303
Prajna is the abiding wisdom of our true nature. Interspirituality refers to our sense of spirit, deeply rooted in the heart and felt as the experience of Oneness. Join us for an evening of Prajna: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Mind, as we attune to each season by abiding in our true nature, celebrating Oneness through ancient wisdom. Each evening will include music, meditation, mantra and embodied practices that root us in the heart while unraveling the stress and illusion of the modern mind.
During this time in our culture when peace of mind and heartfelt connection can easily be lost in the busyness of our daily lives, let’s turn back the hands of time by exploring these ancient practices and sacred principles of Rumi’s teachings. We will experience simple tools to unravel conditioned limiting patterns in the mind/body map while restoring our sense of Oneness and connection to our abiding true nature. Open to all. No experience necessary.
- Explore the heart essence of Rumi’s ancient wisdom
- Journey through the many metaphors of Love
- Learn meditations to invoke Love from the Heart
- Experience how music, mantra, mudra and meditation create calm in the ocean of the mind
- Understand how to apply intention and embodied practices into daily life for transformation and self-realization
- Explore simple and proven Body Current techniques to attune to our true nature by self-regulating the nervous system
More Information: Into the Heart of Rumi at Prajna
When You Wish Upon a StarHouse: an evening of Mantra, Meditation and Movement
Saturday, December 26, 2015 7:30pm
StarHouse at 3476 Sunshine Canyon Dr, Boulder, Colorado 80302
Join us for an evening of ritual and reverence as we join together with our prayers and our blessings in this magical temple — chanting, meditating and embodying our intentions. Led by Scott and Shanti Medina and Gayan Gregory Long, with musical support from Ken Bernstein. All are welcome. This evening will focus on returning to the light in remembrance, gratitude and embodied prayer through the forms of Kirtan (devotional chanting), SoMAntra® meditations, and Sufi Zikr practice. No experience is necessary.
PLUS! It’s Scott’s birthday! Please, no presents, but your presence in this evening would be a wonderful heartfelt gift.
Please plan to arrive in silence basking in the sound and wisdom of the land as you make your journey from the parking area down to the Starhouse. Please hold the silence in the entryway of the StarHouse. Everyone will receive a personal blessing as they cross the threshold into the womb of the Starhouse to begin our journey.
Investment: $15 in advance,/$20 at the door, if space is remaining. We will begin promptly at 7:30pm, with doors opening at 7:15pm.
Pre-registration highly recommended. You can order your ticket(s) online via credit card by going to this link: Brown Paper Tickets .
If you prefer to order by check, you can send a check payable to “SoMAntra” and send to: SoMAntra, 765 Gilpin Drive, Boulder 80303. Be sure to list the names of all attendees. No hard tickets will be sent, your name(s) will be on the list at the door.
This will be a time to connect deeply within the StarHouse in one of the final 2015 public events held in this beautiful temple. As the future of the StarHouse is unknown, we encourage everyone who has been moved by this land and this sacred temple to join together once again to wish upon a Starhouse as we share in a an evening of deep communion, ritual and intention. What better way to celebrate our love for the StarHouse and its community than with our voices, our prayers and our hearts?
To find out more about SoMAntra®, Body Current private sessions and upcoming events, please go to: www.ScottandShanti.com or www.EnergizeShanti.com
Directions to the StarHouse: The StarHouse is located 3.5 miles west of Boulder up Sunshine Canyon. From 4th Street and Mapleton Avenue in Boulder, drive west on Mapleton Avenue (which turns into “Sunshine Canyon”) about 3.5 miles. Turn right at the sign that reads “3476.” You’ll drive up the driveway. Parking is clearly marked at the *top* of the hill. After parking, walk down the other side of the hill, towards the StarHouse, which you’ll soon see through the trees. Please wear shoes appropriate for a short walk through a forest (you’ll be taking them off once inside the StarHouse), and bring a flashlight to help.
Ignite the Light: An Intimate New Year’s Eve with Scott, Shanti & Gayan
Thursday, December 31, 2015 9:00pm-12:15am
Prajna at 765 Gilpin Dr. Boulder, Colorado 80303
Join us for our annual New Year’s Eve gathering at our home studio to celebrate an intentional crossing of the threshold into 2016 with ritual, mudra, mantra/kirtan, embodied SoMAntra® meditations, silence, drumming and story telling. Led by Scott, Shanti and Gayan.
Open to all. Pre-registration required (see below). No experience necessary.
More specific details and preparations for the evening shared upon registration.
8:45pm arrive in silence to join in community
9:00pm ignite individual intentions
9:15pm marinate in mantra (kirtan), mudra, drumming and ritual
11:55pm meditate through the threshold
12:05pm rejoice in reverence imprinting new beginnings
12:15 am seal the sacred circle in silence
Only 30 spaces available for this intimate evening! This event sells out annually, so please secure your tickets ASAP to ensure your space. Contact Scott at Coloradokirtan@aol.com with any questions.
Investment per person: $45 suggested with a sliding scale of $55-$35 for those who can afford more or need to pay less. Your space(s) is reserved when payment is received by sending a check payable to “SoMAntra” or dropping off cash to 765 Gilpin Dr. Boulder, CO 80303. Please include your name(s) and email address with your payment.
Sacred Fest – A Conscious Celebration of Life
Saturday, September 12, 2015 at True Nature Healing Arts, Carbondale, CO
Awakening the Body Current® Live Music benefit class 12-2pm to support Give Back Yoga Foundation and Yoga for First Responders.
Scott and Shanti Medina SoMAntra® kirtan 5:00pm
Find out more in this blog post: Sacred Fest Featuring Scott and Shanti Medina, C.C White and more
Music and Magic in the Mountains
Saturday, September 19, 2015 11am-8pm
6pm Scott and Shanti Medina, Gayan Long and Robert Rand SoMAntra Kirtan and Dances of Universal Peace
Find out more in this blog post: Music and Magic in the Mountains featuring Scott and Shanti
More about Scott and Shanti Medina:
Scott began his journey with kirtan over 20 years ago while being on staff at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY and has since recorded 3 kirtan CDs and 1 instrumental guitar CD. He has been leading kirtan for 15 years, as well as giving lessons on harmonium, kirtan leading and guitar.
Shanti is a registered yoga therapist who inspires her students to align to their own divinity tapping into their innate wisdom through the practice of sacred sound, chanting, yoga and the science of neuroplasticity through her Body Current® modality. They co-founded the very popular Rocky Mountain Kirtan Summit over 8 years ago where local chanting leaders gather to share in an inspiring collaborative and healing community festival. Together they share their love of bhakti yoga and devotional chanting at various musical events around the Front Range and the globe including their beloved quarterly Starhouse Kirtans in the foothills of Boulder, CO
Scott and Shanti Medina Starhouse Kirtan Boulder
Starhouse Kirtan
Join us for an evening of community and ecstatic chant. All are welcome.
As we move through the summer months, the StarHouse beckons us to return for an enchanting evening of Kirtan, uplifting our voices together in union, over the pulsing rhythm of the StarHouse band: Shanti Medina, Steve Bross, Gayan Gregory Long and Robert Rand, led by Scott Medina. Please join us as we meditate, dance and ecstatically chant the night away! Tickets are available at the door only, $15 each with a discounted rate for our new SoMAntra® CD’s.
Doors open at 7:15, with the evening starting at 7:30pm. We will donate part of the proceeds to The Give Back Yoga Foundation, spreading out our blessings from the evening to benefit others.
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2015
Location: The StarHouse, 3476 Sunshine Canyon Dr, Boulder, Colorado 80302
Investment: $15 at the door
Directions to the StarHouse: The StarHouse is located 3.5 miles west of Boulder up Sunshine Canyon. From 4th Street and Mapleton Avenue in Boulder, drive west on Mapleton Avenue (which turns into “Sunshine Canyon”) about 3.5 miles. Turn right at the sign that reads “3476.” You’ll drive up the driveway. Parking is clearly marked at the *top* of the hill. After parking, walk down the other side of the hill, towards the StarHouse, which you’ll soon see through the trees. Please wear shoes appropriate for a short walk through a forest (you’ll be taking them off once inside the StarHouse). A FLASHLIGHT IS ENCOURAGED for your walk down.
Thursday July 9- July 12, 2015 Telluride Yoga Festival Telluride, CO for a SoMAntra® kirtan and Awakening the Body Current® workshop.
Join us Wednesday June 10-Sunday June, 14, 2015 for the Hanuman Festival in beautiful Boulder, CO. Wednesday night June 10th Shine Restaurant and Gathering Place will host the festival kick-off evening to benefit Give Back Yoga Foundation. Find out more here: Hanuman Kick Off Party to Benefit Give Back Yoga Foundation. Join Shanti and Scott on Saturday, June 13 10:30-11:00am for chanting. We hope to celebrate with you at this amazing homegrown festival for their 5th Year Anniversary!
Rockin’ Kirtan: An Evening of mantric rockin’ grooves, dance & ritual
Join us for a dynamic evening of mantric rockin’ grooves, dance and ritual, featuring Eyal Rivlin, Scott and Shanti Medina, Gayan Gregory Long and Robert Rand. Plus MantraMatrix ElectroSanskrit TranceMission! The Rockin’ Kirtan features our more groove-oriented chants, plus we mix in a few rock ‘n roll gems that have “mantrafied” lyrics. 🙂 Gayan is on full drum kit, Eyal is featured on lead guitar, and we bring together the best of both worlds (kirtan and rock) for an experience that the audience loves! Add on a SoMAntra® meditation and fire ritual, and we will have a sumptuous, full evening together.
We only offer the Rockin’ Kirtan once or twice a year, and this will be extra special on the outdoor stage of the Double Rainbow Ranch. Don’t miss it!
Details: Saturday, June 27th, 7:30pm, $15 at the door. The Double Rainbow Ranch is just north of Boulder, at 6541 N. 63rd St.. Take 63rd Street north from the Diagonal, and it’s less than a mile on your left.
Contact ColoradoKirtan@aol.com for more information.
Kirtan Summit: 2 Days of Community Chant
Date: May 1 and May 2, 2015
Location: In beautiful Boulder, CO at Adi Shakti Kundalini Yoga Center of Boulder
6717 Valmont Rd, Boulder, Colorado 80302
Join us for two amazing evenings and a full afternoon of ecstatic and meditative chanting with 20 Colorado leaders of Kirtan, May 1st & 2nd! This is the 9th year that the Kirtan Summit has been held in the Boulder/Denver area, bringing together many diverse and inspired styles of chanting for an incredible experience for the entire community. Multiple leaders collaborate with one another throughout each evening, accompanied by master musicians, offering a chanting experience you won’t find anywhere else!
This year the Summit will span two nights, May 1st & 2nd, each running from 6pm – 11:30pm.
Admission is only $15 per night, or $25 for a 2-night pass!
PLUS, during Saturday afternoon we will feature two mantra-based workshops: a yoga class with live chanting accompaniment, and a Sacred Sanskrit for Kirtan and Mantra workshop. Immerse yourself fully into the vibration of mantra over this special weekend!
More information and to purchase tickets: Kirtan Summit
Starhouse Kirtan
Welcome back the spring as we return to the StarHouse for an ecstatic evening of chant, meditation and dance. Led by Scott Medina with Shanti, Steve Bross, Robert Rand and Gayan Gregory Long, these evenings are truly special and are only held on a quarterly basis. The StarHouse is truly a magical place to chant and we hope you can join us for this special evening.
Saturday, March 28, 2015. Doors open at 7:15pm, with the evening starting at 7:30pm. Tickets are available at the door only, for $15. Scott and Shanti’s double-CD “SoMAntra” will also be available at a special price for all attendees. E-mail ColoradoKirtan@aol.com for more information.
Location: 3476 Sunshine Canyon Boulder, CO 80302
Directions to the StarHouse: The StarHouse is located 3.5 miles west of Boulder up Sunshine Canyon. From 4th Street and Mapleton Avenue in Boulder, drive west on Mapleton Avenue (which turns into “Sunshine Canyon”) about 3.5 miles. Turn right at the sign that reads “3476.” You’ll drive up the driveway. Parking is clearly marked at the *top* of the hill. After parking, walk down the other side of the hill, towards the StarHouse, which you’ll soon see through the trees. Please wear shoes appropriate for a short walk through a forest (you’ll be taking them off once inside the StarHouse), and bring a flashlight to help with the walk back up at the end of the night.
Saturday January 24, 2015 Carbondale, CO
SoMAntra Kirtan and Body Current Workshop – True Nature Healing Arts, Carbondale, CO – Join us for a Saturday afternoon 3:30-6pm workshop AWAKENING THE BODY CURRENT WITH YOGA AND LIVE MUSIC: PRIMING THE NEURAL PATHWAYS and at 7:30pm SOMANTRA EMBODIED KIRTAN AND CD RELEASE EVENT.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Durango, CO
Join us for a CD release and evening of kirtan and devotional chanting from wisdom traditions around the globe with local Durango favorites, Tim & Cheryl Birchard along with Scott & Shanti Medina from Boulder, CO. The evening will include several embodiment practices off of the recently released SoMAntra double-CD utilizing mantra, mudra, meditation and breath to self-regulate the nervous system and ignite the innate wisdom. All are welcome. No experience necessary. 7pm Location: Inhabit 1970 E. 3rd Ave. Durango, CO More information: Here
Friday and Saturday, February 6-7, 2015 Sedona Yoga Festival
Join us for the Friday evening Main Stage Embodied SoMAntra Kirtan and on Saturday AWAKENING THE BODY CURRENT WITH YOGA AND LIVE MUSIC: PRIMING THE NEURAL PATHWAYS. More information: Here
Sunday, February 8, 2015 Santa Fe, NM
Join us for a Community Kirtan CD release event featuring Jeff Sussmann on percussion at Santa Fe Center for Spiritual Living 505 Camino de los Marquez Santa Fe, NM 87505. More information: Here
7:00pm — This is our local launch of the new double-CD SOMANTRA, during one of our most ecstatic live kirtan experiences at the StarHouse. Don’t miss this extremely special evening with special guests.
Location: The StarHouse, 3476 Sunshine Canyon Dr, Boulder, Colorado 80302
We are overjoyed to announce the release of our new double-CD SoMAntra® which will be making its local debut at the beloved StarHouse! Enjoy a full evening of ecstatic chanting and SoMAntra soundscape meditations. Be one of the first ones to receive our new double-CD which features over 150 minutes of our most empowering chants and SoMAntra meditations orchestrated to ignite the mind/body intelligence! All are welcome. No experience necessary.
Join Scott and Shanti Medina with our StarHouse band of Gayan Gregory Long, Robert Rand and Steve Bross and special guests for an unforgettable evening that will reverberate with you throughout the winter months! If you make only one StarHouse Kirtan, this is the one to join us.
Investment: Special Starhouse kirtan plus SoMAntra double-CD package is only $25! Kirtan admission without double-CD is also available for $15.
20% of all CD profits are being donated to The Give Back Yoga Foundation and Common Spirit.
EARLY STARTING TIME so we can share more of the CD chants, meditations and embodied practices with you! Doors open at 6:45, for a 7pm starting time.
All tickets are sold at the door, no advanced sales. Please arrive early if possible. CD’s will be distributed at the door upon entry.
Directions to the StarHouse: The StarHouse is located 3.5 miles west of Boulder up Sunshine Canyon. From 4th Street and Mapleton Avenue in Boulder, drive west on Mapleton Avenue (which turns into “Sunshine Canyon”) about 3.5 miles. Turn right at the sign that reads “3476.” You’ll drive up the driveway. Parking is clearly marked at the *top* of the hill. After parking, walk down the other side of the hill, towards the StarHouse, which you’ll soon see through the trees. Please wear shoes appropriate for a short walk through a forest (you’ll be taking them off once inside the StarHouse). A FLASHLIGHT IS ENCOURAGED for your walk down.
Saturday, December 6th: SoMAntra™: An Embodied LIVE MUSIC Sacred Sound Experience
with Scott and Shanti Medina along with Robert Rand
Join us for an afternoon immersion embodying mantra, meditation, mudra and sacred sound to ignite our innate and abiding mind/body intelligence. We will ride the current of the moment and root into the tone of the soundscape exploring the pulse of mantra and stillness of meditation through transformative somatic body intelligence practices. This is open to all levels of practice and experience. Discover how these simple, applicable and transformative body intelligence practices can empower you to mitigate stress, self-regulate your nervous system, train your brain for higher executive functioning and resolve chronic pain.
$45 includes immersion PLUS SoMAntra™ double-CD with over 150 minutes of original chants, soundscape guided meditations and embodied practices to ignite the innate mind/body intelligence.
$30 immersion without CD
Registration: Pre-registation and credit card purchases, please email Shanti@EnergizeShanti.com. Cash and check only at the door.
Location: Mudra Yoga Studio, 1550 South Pearl St. Suite 202 ~ Denver, Colorado 80210
Sponsored by Mudra Yoga Studio
New Year’s Eve Ignite the Light: An Intimate Evening of Mantra, Music & Meditation
with Shanti & Scott and Lisa & Gilly
Wednesday 12/31/14, NEW YEAR’S EVE 9:30pm-12:15am
Location: Prajna, 765 Gilpin Dr. Boulder, CO 80303
Investment: Suggested admission for the evening is $45, though we are offering a sliding scale from $55 – $35.
To register, send your check payable to “SoMAntra, LLC” along with the e-mail address for each attendee (we will send confirmation, directions & details). Send to 765 Gilpin Drive, Boulder 80303.
We invite you to a transformative evening welcoming in the New Year with deep intention, ecstatic chant, a potent Neurosculpting® meditation and embodied SoMAntra™ sacred sound practices. This is a rare opportunity to join Scott Medina & Shanti Medina and Lisa Marie & Gilly Gonzalez in an intimate space during this very potent time of the year.
This will be a very special New Year’s Eve gathering to take us into 2015 with clarity, inspiration and integration of specific tools and resources to ignite the light of your abiding, innate intelligence.
Resources for Sale at the event:
Scott & Shanti’s brand new SoMAntra® double-CD’s will be available. Find out more at : http://www.ScottandShanti.com/
Lisa Wimberger’s New Beliefs, New Brain book will be on sale as well as information on how to purchase her brand new, hot off the press Sounds True publication: Neurosculpting: A Whole-Brain Approach to Heal Trauma, Rewrite Limiting Beliefs, and Find Wholeness. More Information: http://neurosculptinginstitute.com/
Ky Gabriel , a local artist and Bhakta, will have her handmade malas available for your powerful New Year’s intentions. Please look at her designs at http://on.fb.me/1D0Vszv. You can pre-order by messaging her at Kya1Love@gmail.com or calling 720-251-9756. Custom designs welcome. She will also have a selection at the event.
The location is the beautiful and intimate Prajna in Boulder, and is limited to only 30 people. Doors open at 8:30pm, and we begin promptly at 9pm.
This New Year’s Eve event annually sells out in advance, so pre-registration is required and we encourage early registration. Seats will be reserved upon receipt of registration. Once we are filled, we will begin a waiting list for any last minute cancellations.
We look forward to sharing in a magical New Year’s Eve with you!
We’re so looking forward to returning to the StarHouse on Saturday, August 30, 2014, for a beautiful evening of ecstatic chant.
Please join us for this spirited gathering! Led by Scott Medina with Shanti Medina, Gayan Long, Steve Bross on pulsating percussion, and special guest Robert Rand on bass and optimal-sound-EQ! We have such an uplifting experience at these kirtans, and the next one won’t be until June 28th, so we hope you can join us this month!
Kirtan is at 7:30 and the doors open at 7:15. Tickets are available ONLY AT THE DOOR, for $15 each. All are welcome. Children 13 and under are FREE
Date: August 30, 2014, 7:30pm at the Starhouse in the foothills of Boulder, CO
Address: 3476 Sunshine Canyon, Boulder 80302
Directions to the StarHouse (do not use Google Maps, etc…, it is not always accurate!): The StarHouse is located 3.5 miles (10 minutes) west of Boulder up Sunshine Canyon. From 4th Street and Mapleton Avenue in Boulder, drive west on Mapleton Avenue (which turns into “Sunshine Canyon”) about 3.5 miles. Turn right at the sign that reads “3476.” You’ll drive up the driveway. Parking is clearly marked at the *top* of the hill. After parking, walk down the other side of the hill, towards the StarHouse, which you’ll soon see through the trees. You may want to bring a flashlight to help you if this is your first time at the StarHouse. Please wear shoes appropriate for a short walk through a forest (you’ll be taking them off once inside the StarHouse)
We are honored to be part of the Boulder season finale for Friday Night Yoga Club at Shine Restaurant and Gathering Place on 4/25/14! Purchase tickets and find out more information here: Friday Night Yoga Club . Doors open at 6:30, yoga and live music begins at 7:00pm. Hope to see you there!!
Embodying the Body Current®: Cellular Neuroplasticity with LIVE MUSIC Sacred Sound and Chant
with Shanti Medina, RYT CPT CNSF and special guest musician and chant leader Scott Medina
Ever wonder what issues are in your tissues? We all carry around our stories and perceptions of our life in the cells of our body.
In this 4 hour LIVE MUSIC workshop, learn specific techniques to embody the unique intelligence and language of YOUR body wisdom through a sensory exploration of the neuroscience of sacred sound, chanting, mantra, mudra and yoga therapy breathing practices and postures.
These accessible tools can be used in our every day life to release trauma, pain, misalignment and unconscious patterns while mindfully growing and toning a healthy, balanced brain through neuroplasticity. By embodying the neuromuscular pathways of communication between the mind/body/spirit, we align to our authentic nature in present moment time bringing to the surface areas that we can release and restore, integrate and align in that moment.
This first portion of this workshop is part lecture detailing the latest neuroscience research on the ancient practices of chanting, mantra and asana explaining why and how these practices align us to our true nature and support us in embodying our innate wisdom. The majority of the workshop will be experiential combining a unique and empirically proven blend of mindful breathing, organic movement, chanting sacred sound, mantra, mudra, yoga therapy postures and gentle trauma releasing yoga sequences that awaken and enliven the rhythm of our Body Current®.
Open to all levels of practice and experience.
LIVE MUSIC EVENT 4 hour workshop!
Investment: only $60.00 when you put in code nsapril
$75 full price without code
Registration: Neurosculpting® Institute
Start Time: 1:00 pm
End Time: 5:00 pm
Date: Saturday, April 26, 2014
Neurosculpting® Institute
639 E. 19th Ave
Denver, Co
Rockin’ Kirtan
Saturday, May 10, 2014, 7:30pm Adi Shakti Kundalini Center of Boulder
Location: 6717 Valmont Rd. Boulder, CO 80302
If you’ve joined us for a StarHouse Kirtan, you know that we love ecstatic, high-energy evenings of chant! Tonight at the Adi Shakti Center we take it up a notch, offering a Kirtan that really rocks with our full band: Scott & Shanti Medina, Gayan Gregory Long, Eyal Rivlin and Robert Rand.
If you love to dance and chant, this night is for you! We’ll be focusing on the more ecstatic pieces in our repertoire, taking original and traditional chants and arranging them in a way that will engage your whole body.
Investment: Tickets are $12, available at the door only.
The Adi Shakti Kundalini Yoga Center of Boulder is the perfect setting for this experience, a very cool venue! Directions: From the intersection of Foothills and Pearl (or Foothills and Valmont — Valmont and Pearl merge 1 mile east of Foothills at 55th), go less than 5 minutes east until you’re at 6717 Valmont. Pearl turns into Valmont at 55th, continue driving east, pass 61st street and then 6717 will soon be on your left on the north side of the road. Look for their sign (“6717 Studio”) as well as the purple mailbox, parking is on the property, to the left in the field as you enter.
5th Annual Yogathon
We are honored to be playing music for Jeanie Manchester’s Sacred Flow yoga class (9:30 am – 10:45 am) on May 17, 2014 to benefit the Wellness Initiative at Naropa University Performing Arts Center on their downtown campus on 2130 Arapahoe St Boulder, CO. To find out more information about this great community event, visit The Wellness Initiative.
Starhouse Kirtan
March 14, 2014 7:30pm at the Starhouse in the foothills of Boulder, CO
Location: 3476 Sunshine Canyon, Boulder 80302
We’re so looking forward to returning to the StarHouse on FRIDAY, March 14th, for a beautiful evening of ecstatic chant. Please join us for this spirited gathering! Led by Scott Medina with Shanti Medina, Gayan Long, Steve Bross on pulsating percussion, and special guest Robert Rand on bass and optimal-sound-EQ! We have such an uplifting experience at these kirtans, and the next one won’t be until June 28th, so we hope you can join us this month!
Kirtan is at 7:30 and the doors open at 7:15. Tickets are available ONLY AT THE DOOR, for $15 each. All are welcome. Children 13 and under are FREE
Directions to the StarHouse (do not use Google Maps, etc…, it is not always accurate!): The StarHouse is located 3.5 miles (10 minutes) west of Boulder up Sunshine Canyon. From 4th Street and Mapleton Avenue in Boulder, drive west on Mapleton Avenue (which turns into “Sunshine Canyon”) about 3.5 miles. Turn right at the sign that reads “3476.” You’ll drive up the driveway. Parking is clearly marked at the *top* of the hill. After parking, walk down the other side of the hill, towards the StarHouse, which you’ll soon see through the trees. You may want to bring a flashlight to help you if this is your first time at the StarHouse. Please wear shoes appropriate for a short walk through a forest (you’ll be taking them off once inside the StarHouse).
Unity and Spiritual Freedom Kundalini Yoga and Live Music!
Kundalini Yoga with Rachel Zelaya and Live Music with Scott and Shanti Medina!
Join us for a special class dedicated to unity, light, and the love of all humanity. Rachel Zelaya will lead an energetic Kundalini Yoga set dedicated to those ideals. Scott and Shanti Medina will offer inspired live music to accompany the yoga and meditation, including a new set of original Gurmukhi chants which will deepen your experience of the yoga. There will be a deep relaxation with Rachel playing the gong and Scott and Shanti accompanying with didgeridoo and other sound healing instruments. We will end with an 11 minute chanting meditation to live music to unify and uplift our spirits!
Friday, January 17th 7:30 pm-9:30 pm
Investment: $20 in advance, $25 at the door, $30 for two in advance.
Register: Rachel.Zelaya@gmail.com, 720-252-3962
Location: Adi Shakti Kundalini Yoga Center of Boulder , 6717 Valmont Rd., Boulder, Colorado 80302
Harmonium 101 Playshop
This workshop is all about guiding you to fall in love with playing the harmonium! The harmonium is surprisingly easy to play and can be incredibly transformative for personal practice as well as for group chanting. In this workshop we will give a brief but thorough overview of the instrument (including tips and useful tricks), then we will all learn a couple of chants that even the beginner can master, and then address your specific areas of interest and questions. Scott and Shanti will accompany you on percussion as you are featured on harmonium!
The class size will be extremely limited for personalized attention, and Scott will send each participant a questionnaire ahead of time so that we can maximize our time together and focus on your particular interests. Open to all levels of experience, including first-time players; there will be a couple of harmoniums available to play if you don’t have your own (yet!).
Saturday January 18, 2014 . Class starts promptly at 3:00pm and ends at 4:30pm
Investment: $25 registration fee. OR $20 if you sign up for “The Art of Guiding Kirtan Chanting” as well which begins immediately following this workshop.
(Hamonium players are encouraged to take both “Harmonium 101” and “The Art of Guiding Kirtan Chanting”.)
Location: Mudra Yoga Studio, 1550 Pearl St. #203 Denver, CO 80210
Registration: You must register in advance for this workshop at: Mudra Yoga Studio
The Art of Guiding Kirtan Chanting
spaces still available!
Would you like to bring the power of chant into a group setting? Perhaps lead a chant at the end of a yoga class? Or introduce a song to a regular group you meet with? Or a special event? Whether you are a seasoned musician, or a “beginner” wanting to start dipping your toe into the pool of Bhakti, this workshop will share practical tools to get you leading effectively in any group setting.
Appropriate for a variety of accompanying instruments (or no instrument at all), this class guides you in the realm of group dynamics, working with supporting musicians and most importantly, “leading” from your heart so that your love of the chant shines through and ultimately is what guides the group.
Shanti Medina, RYT, will also offer guidance on attunements and the role of percussion throughout the workshop. This is a marvelous opportunity to come together and explore what makes for a powerful Kirtan chanting experience, for both you AND the group!
Saturday January 18, 2014 . Playshop starts promptly at 4:30pm until 6:00pm.
Open to musicians of any kind, including solo singers. Bringing an instrument is optional. It will be a fulfilling experience either way!
Investment: $25 registration fee. OR $20 when you register for “Harmonium 101” as well.
(Harmonium players are encouraged to take both “Harmonium 101” and “The Art of Guiding Kirtan Chanting”.)
Location: Mudra Yoga Studio, 1550 Pearl St. #203 Denver, CO 80210
Registration: You must register in advance for this workshop at: Mudra Yoga Studio