The times of today are calling for us to explore alternative channels of community connection and information sharing. We have the opportunity to invite practical magic into the mundane, tethering to our divinity by tending to our ancient and abiding pathways of telepathy, rather than turning to the computer again and again for connection and information.
ESP is our abiding extrasensory perception. This is nothing new, it’s known by the ancients and shared in the sacred texts. The modern day madness of today is asking us to evolve and tend to this ancient pathway of perception. I enjoy referring to these currents of communication and sensory information as Evolved Sensory Perception.
Let’s tend to these sacred and simple lines of connection and communication in celebration of Beltane. All are warmly welcomed. No experience necessary.
The telepathic pathway of perception is alive within each of us. Yes, that’s right. We all have the ability to tether to our divinity, tune in and communicate through our “evolved sensory perception” pathways.
Telepathy is the practical magic we feel, or sense in some way, when we are in our athletic zone and the felt-sense we have known someone our whole life when we have just met.
The pathway of ESP is the current of communication we receive when an intuitive “download” from grace comes through or when we read someone’s mind. This pathway is the sacred stream of awareness we feel or sense when we know something to be true.
Join me in this natural stream of awareness for some sacred playtime and magical manifesting fun as we celebrate the season of Beltane, the cross-quarter between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.
Simple Instructions:
- Pour yourself a cup of nurturing self-care tea of your choice at 4:44pm MDT . Share the sensations you are receiving from your tea and see if you can feel or even taste the tea being shared by others in the circle.
- Become present in your Divinity by attuning to your telepathic pathway of ESP. Feel and sense into this space of intuition rather than trying to think your way in
- If you wish, invite in your spirit guides, ancient ones and animal allies.
Tune in via ESP from your home sanctuary (or anywhere in nature). Our teatime and sacred ceremony will begin promptly at 4:44 MDT and last approximately 16 minutes to 5:00pm MDT. Tune in at this time from your time zone. You may wish to prepare your space with a piece of paper and pen or journal along with a candle and igniter.
Pour yourself a sacred cup of self-care tea of your choice. Create a sacred and intentional space in your home sanctuary or from wherever you find yourself tuning in promptly at 4:44pm MDT. Allow your senses to delight and dance in the moment as you hold your tea. Invite in your sense of taste as the final pathway to enjoy your tea. Share your sense of the moment with the circle.
After opening our circle with 3 OMs and inviting in our guides, I will draw 3 cards from my Dreams of Gaia Tarot to receive our Beltane blessing and send a vision of each tarot card and description to our circle via telepathy.
Notice if you can feel, see or sense in some way the cards chosen for our Beltane ceremony shared via the ESP channel of communication. This may be very subtle or quite obvious. Use your sacred imagination to fuel your pathways of perception. Notice what you notice.
We will close by planting our individual Beltane seeds of intention, dance them into the collective community web of blessings and prayers around our cosmic maypole we are weaving and ignite the flames of our hearts. Notice, see or sense in some way the essence of your sacred seeds taking root and blossoming. Can you see, feel or sense in someway the intentions of others in our circle?
With Love,