RESOLVING vs SOLVING… When we resolve trauma and pain in the body, the energetic charge and cellular memory of the experience is actually transformed in the Body Current.
When we try to solve a story about an experience of trauma or pain only with our thoughts, we replay and often recondition ourselves as we vacillate between right/wrong and good/bad of the experience. The cells reactivate, the mind renegotiates, the limbic system recharges and no solution is actually achieved.
What if we simply STOPPED our incessant thinking and problem solving and DROPPED into the sensations we feel and the wisdom we hear in our Body Current the next time we find ourselves triggered, in pain or spinning out emotionally? What’s your Body Current trying to share with you? STOP, DROP and LISTEN to find out.
It only takes a moment, it is totally FREE, and all you have to lose is some old conditioning ~♥~