Each sensation we experience in the body is simply raw energy dressed in a costume (or label) we place upon it. Don’t just take my word for it, experience it yourself. The key is to truly experience the energy without control or attachment to past experiences. This raw energy flows in us, it flows out of us and it flows all around us. Sometimes we experience this energy as “love or “fear” or “joy” or “sadness”. The labels (or costumes) we place upon the sensations are a result of the emotions and thoughts we attach to the energy like velcro as a result of past experiences triggering our limbic system.
Being in the present moment resting as awareness, allowing the body current to flow freely without resistance or control, will lay down new neural pathways strengthening the prefrontal cortex. Softening into and creating space around these raw energy sensations invites in the present moment awareness. Often times we habitually attach to or resist the sensations of pain, fear and anxiety in the body. What would it be like to simply sit with all that shows up in the body in each moment going with the flow of the raw energy current? You may find the stories you are attaching to or running away from create more suffering than the actual experience of what is showing up in the present moment awareness.
Being in the flow of the present moment sensations stimulate the prefrontal cortex inviting us to trust in the raw energy of the body current without efforting, controlling or resisting what is showing up. Enjoy the energy and flow of your unique body current wisdom.
Photo courtesy Mark Hansen